With the ongoing release of 3D movies and the emergence of 3D TVs, 3D imaging technologies have penetrated our daily lives. Yet choosing from the numerous 3D vision methods available can be frustrating for scientists and engineers, especially without a comprehensive resource to consult. Filling this gap, Handbook of 3D Machine Vision: Optical Metrology and Imaging gives an extensive, in-depth look at the most popular 3D imaging techniques. It focuses on noninvasive, noncontact optical methods (optical metrology and imaging). The handbook begins with the well-studied method of stereo vision and explains how random speckle patterns or space-time varying patterns substantially improve the results of stereo vision. It then discusses stereo particle image velocimetry as a major experimental means in fluid dynamics, the robust and easy-to-implement structured-light technique for computer science applications, digital holography for performing micro- to nanoscale measurements, and grating, interferometry, and fringe projection techniques for precisely measuring dynamically deformable natural objects. The book goes on to describe techniques that do not require triangulation to recover a 3D shape, including time-of-flight techniques and uniaxial 3D shape measurement, as well as 3D measurement techniques that are not restricted to surface capture, such as 3D ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, and 3D endoscopy. The book also explores how novel 3D imaging techniques are being applied in the promising field of biometrics―which may prove essential to security and public safety. Written by key players in the field and inventors of important imaging technologies, this authoritative, state-of-the-art handbook helps you understand the core of 3D imaging technology and choose the proper 3D imaging technique for your needs. For each technique, the book provides its mathematical foundations, summarizes its successful applications, and discusses its limitations.
2019-12-21 19:55:41 17.61MB Handbook 3D machine vision
Abramowitz and Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical Functions.经典参考书的扫描版本(第十次印刷,1972)
2019-12-21 19:55:09 41KB 数学函数
光学手册第四卷 很好的一本书 希望对大家有多帮助
2019-12-21 19:53:42 13.46MB 光学手册
Aidan O'Dwyer - Handbook of Pi And Pid Controller Tuning Rules-Imperial College Press (2006) 2nd Edition
2019-12-21 19:51:49 12.98MB PID TUNING PID参数整定原则 Aidan
The Certified Reliability Engineer Handbook The Certified Reliability Engineer Handbook
2019-12-21 19:51:00 3.85MB The Certified Reliability Engineer
1.1 Preface 1 1.2 Design and Structure of the Eye 1 1.3 Optical Aberrations and Consequences for Visual Performance 5 1.4 Chromatic Aberration 9 1.5 Neural Adaptation to Monochromatic Aberrations 12 1.6 Optimizing Retinal Processing with Limited Cell Numbers, Space and Energy 13 1.7 Adaptation to Different Light Levels 13 1.8 Rod and Cone Responses 15 1.9 Spiking and Coding 18 1.10 Temporal and Spatial Performance 19 1.11 ON/OFF Structure, Division of the Whole Illuminance Amplitude in Two Segments 20 1.12 Consequences of the Rod and Cone Diversity on Retinal Wiring 21 1.13 Motion Sensitivity in the Retina 21 1.14 Visual Information Processing in Higher Centers 23 1.14.1 Morphology 23 1.14.2 Functional Aspects – Receptive Field Structures and Cortical Modules 24 1.15 Effects of Attention 26 1.16 Color Vision, Color Constancy, and Color Contrast 27 1.17 Depth Perception 28 1.18 Adaptation in the Visual System to Color, Spatial, and Temporal Contrast 29 1.19 Conclusions 30 References 32
2019-12-21 19:50:42 17.88MB 图像处理 机器视觉 手册 电子书
施普林格发布的GNSS手册,官网pdf原版。 本手册全面而严谨地概述了全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)多学科领域的基本原理,方法和应用,提供了详尽的一站式参考工作以及对GNSS的最新描述。科学和社会的关键技术。 所有全球和区域卫星导航系统,包括目前正在运行和正在开发的卫星导航系统(GPS,GLONASS,Galileo,BeiDou,QZSS,IRNSS / NAVIC,SBAS)都将进行详细审查。详细讨论了接收器和天线的功能原理,以及GNSS参数估计的高级算法和模型。本书涵盖了广泛和多样化的陆地,海洋,空中和空间应用,从日常GNSS到高精度科学应用,并提供最广泛使用的GNSS格式标准的详细描述,涵盖接收器格式以及IGS产品和元 - 数据格式。 全球导航卫星系统领域的全面报道分为七个部分,从基础,全球和区域导航卫星系统,接收器和天线,算法和模型的处理,到广泛和多样化的应用范围。定位和导航,测量,大地测量和地球动力学,遥感和定时等领域。 每一章都由国际专家撰写,并用图和照片充分说明,使本书成为科学家,工程师,学生和机构的宝贵资源。
2019-12-21 19:49:41 123.54MB GNSS 北斗 卫星定位导航 GPS
2019-12-21 19:47:02 4.2MB 溢出
李子青的人脸识别手册 包含人脸检测、人脸跟踪、人脸识别方面的内容。
2019-12-21 19:46:42 12.06MB 人脸识别 李子青
Handbook of Image Quality, Characterization and Prediction. Brian W Keelan. Marcel Dekker, 2002 好不容易找到的
2019-12-21 19:45:41 28.69MB image quality