快速控制器 express-controllers 添加了来自模型-视图-控制器范例的控制器样式路由,以使用进行。 安装 npm: $ npm install express-controllers 用法 var express = require ( 'express' ) var controllers = require ( 'express-controllers' ) var app = module . exports = express ( ) . controllers ( ) ; if ( ! require . parent ) { var server = app . listen ( 3000 , function ( ) { var host = server . address ( ) . address ; var port = se
2021-07-11 13:03:39 8KB JavaScript
从访问会话。 安装 npm install socket-io.sessions 用法 //configure passport and express var socketIo = require ( "socket.io" ) , socketIoSessions = require ( "socket-io.sessions" ) ; var sio = socketIo . listen ( webServer ) ; //same attribute than the session middleware http://www.senchalabs.org/connect/middleware-session.html sio . set ( "authorization" , socketIoSessions ( { key : 'e
2021-07-11 13:03:24 5KB JavaScript
控创-COM Express模块化计算机新产品介绍pdf,控创-COM Express模块化计算机新产品介绍
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dva-prealpha 使用 MSVC 2012 Express 和 SFML 制作的 Druid vs. Alchemist(PC 版)的公共 prealpha 项目
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node.js Express 微信小程序
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COM Express 模块 协议标准 3.0版 type 6 type 10 更新功能 type 7 新增功能
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最新官方资料 Contents About this book ............................................................................................................... 11 Notices and trademarks ............................................................................................... 11 Who should read this book? ........................................................................................ 12 How is this book structured? ........................................................................................ 12 A book for the community ............................................................................................ 13 Authors and Contributors ............................................................................................. 14 Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 14 Foreword ...................................................................................................................... 15 PART I – OVERVIEW AND SETUP ................................................................................. 17 Chapter 1 – What is DB2 Express-C? ........................................................................... 19 1.1 Free to develop, deploy, and distribute…no limits! ................................................ 20 1.2 Downloading DB2 Express-C ................................................................................ 20 1.3 User assistance and technical support .................................................................. 21 1.4 DB2 servers ........................................................................................................... 21 1.5 DB2 clients and drivers .......................................................................................... 22 1.6 Application development freedom ......................................................................... 23 1.7 DB2 versions versus DB2 editions .....
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