State Machine Replication is More Expensive than Consensus.pdf Consensus and State Machine Replication (SMR) are generally considered to be equivalent problems. In certain system models, indeed, the two problems are computationally equivalent: any solution to the former problem leads to a solution to the latter, and vice versa. In this paper, we study the relation between consensus and SMR from a complexity perspective.
2022-07-10 21:03:30 1.09MB 数据库 分布式一致性协议 状态机
Unbounded Pipelining in Dynamically Reconfigurable Paxos Clusters.pdf Consensus is an essential ingredient of a faulttolerant distributed system systems. When equipped with a consensus algorithm a distributed system can act as a replicated state machine (RSM), duplicating its state across a cluster of redundant components to avoid the failure of any single component leading to a system-wide failure. Paxos and Raft are examples of algorithms for achieving distributed consensus.
2022-07-10 21:03:28 185KB 数据库 paxos 分布式一致性协议
Using Paxos to Build a Scalable, Consistent, and Highly Available Datastore.pdf Spinnaker is an experimental datastore that is designed to run on a large cluster of commodity servers in a single datacenter. It features key-based range partitioning, 3-way replication, and a transactional get-put API with the option to choose either strong or timeline consistency on reads. This paper describes Spinnaker’s Paxos-based replication protocol.
2022-07-10 21:03:27 216KB 数据库 paxos 分布式一致性协议
目录网盘文件永久链接 01_大纲简介 02_redis官网查阅和基本配置 03_逐渐又加入了多线程特性 04_多线程io多路复用入门简介 05_TK Mapper之一键生成代码 06_srm框架整合理论说明 07_缓存案例-A 08_缓存案例-B 09_类型应用落地-A 10_类型应用落地-B 11_set的应用场景 12_zset应用场景 13_微信文章阅读量小厂统计 14_统计类型分析 15_bitmap日活统计 16_uvpvdau简介 17_去重复统计 18_hyper的基础命令 19_天猫网站首页亿级UV的Redis统计方案 20_GEO简介 21_GEO的命令 22_美团地图位置附近的酒店推送 23_布隆过滤器BloomFilter理论知识 24_布隆过滤器理论复习 25_缓存雪崩 26_缓存穿透和bloomFilter-helloworld 27_Guava解决缓存穿透 28_Redis布隆过滤器解决缓存穿透 29_docker安装rebloom 30_缓存击穿简介 31_高并发的淘宝聚划算案例落地 32_分布式锁理论简介 33_分布式锁的起手式案例有问题 .......
2022-07-10 18:07:54 319B Redis6
2022-07-10 09:09:50 982KB 技术资料
2022-07-10 09:09:20 980KB 技术资料
2022-07-09 19:09:11 2.12MB 文档资料
循序渐进 Redis 分布式锁(以及何时不用它).doc
2022-07-09 14:06:26 1.22MB 技术资料
2022-07-09 09:07:59 3.57MB 技术资料
详细介绍各个接口,每个API都会带源码案例,让你学习起来亲亲松松~ Apache Flink是一个用于分布式流和批处理数据处理的开源平台。Flink的核心是流 数据流引擎,为数据流上的分布式计算提供数据分发,通信和容错。Flink在流引擎 之上构建批处理,覆盖本机迭代支持,托管内存和程序优化。
2022-07-08 18:11:43 9.53MB 大数据 flink 中文教程 分布式