概述 基于高异质/均匀时间序列多传感器数据的实时异常检测的无监督特征选择和/或无监督深度卷积神经网络和lstm自动编码器的原型。 内置时间序列预测器的可解释AI原型。 无监督特征选择的直观表示如下所示。 无监督实时点异常检测的直观表示如下所示。 从当地的解释,全球理解与解释的AI树木-从这里动机- ,图片来源-https: MSDA 1.0.8 什么是MDSA? MSDA是Python中的开源low-code多传感器数据分析库,旨在在时序多传感器数据分析和实验中将假设减少到洞察周期。 它使用户能够快速,高效地执行端到端的概念验证实验。 该模块通过捕获变化和趋势来建立多维时间序列中的事件,以建立旨在识别相关特征的关系,从而有助于从原始传感器信号中选择特征。 此外,为精确检测实时流数据中的异常,还设计了无监督的深度卷积神经网络以及基于lstm自动编码器的检测器,以在GPU / C
2021-10-11 18:35:00 6.78MB visualization python iot deep-neural-networks
持续学习 这是以下论文中描述的持续学习实验的PyTorch实现: 三种持续学习的方案() 具有反馈连接的生成性重放是持续学习的通用策略() 要求 当前版本的代码已经过测试: pytorch 1.1.0 torchvision 0.2.2 运行实验 可以使用main.py运行单个实验。 主要选项有: --experiment :哪个任务协议? ( splitMNIST | permMNIST ) --scenario :根据哪种情况? ( task | domain | class ) --tasks :多少个任务? 要运行特定方法,请使用以下命令: 上下文相关门(XdG):
循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Networks,RNNs)已经在众多自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing, NLP)中取得了巨大成功以及广泛应用。但是,目前网上与RNNs有关的学习资料很少,因此该系列便是介绍RNNs的原理以及如何实现。
2021-10-10 13:49:59 1.14MB RNN
可变形卷积的TensorFlow实现 这是以下论文的TensorFlow实现: 戴继峰,齐浩志,熊玉文,李毅,张国栋,韩寒,魏一辰。 2017。可变形卷积网络。 arXiv [cs.CV]。 arXiv。 该代码只能在。 旋转训练图 采样地点 基本用法 DeformableConvLayer是自定义的Keras图层,因此您可以像其他任何标准图层(例如Dense , Conv2D一样使用它。 这是一个简单的示例: inputs = tf . zeros ([ 16 , 28 , 28 , 3 ]) model = tf . keras . Sequential () model . add ( DeformableConvLayer ( filters = 6 , kernel_size = 3 , strides = 1 , padding = 'valid' , dilat
使用自动编码器神经网络检测恶意URL 该存储库包含使用自动编码器神经网络检测恶意URL的代码源。 中提供了有关其工作原理的文章。 要构建和测试模型,可以运行: $ python train_and_test_urls_autoencoder.py 如果您想生成新的丰富数据,可以运行: $ python enrich_urls_data.py
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Networks
2021-10-07 10:22:05 2.36MB Deep Reinforceme
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Fifth Edition, explores the key principles of computer networking, with examples drawn from the real world of network and protocol design. Using the Internet as the primary example, this best selling and classic textbook explains various protocols and networking technologies. The systems oriented approach encourages students to think about how individual network components fit into a larger, complex system of interactions. 课后习题答案
2021-10-06 12:11:32 837KB 网络
2021-10-05 16:37:13 8.49MB Chip Networks
Chapter 1, Introduction to Deep Learning, speaks all about refreshing general concepts and terminology associated with deep learning in a simple way without too much math and equations. Also, it will show how deep learning network has evolved throughout the years and how they are making an inroad in the unsupervised domain with the emergence of generative models. Chapter 2, Unsupervised Learning with GAN, shows how Generative Adversarial Networks work and speaks about the building blocks of GANs. It will show how deep learning networks can be used on semi-supervised domains, and how you can apply them to image generation and creativity. GANs are hard to train. This chapter looks at some techniques to improve the training/learning process. Chapter 3, Transfer Image Style Across Various Domains, speaks about being very creative with simple but powerful CGAN and CycleGAN models. It explains the use of Conditional GAN to create images based on certain characteristics or conditions. This chapter also discusses how to overcome model collapse problems by stabilizing your network training using BEGAN. And finally, it covers transferring styles across different domains (apple to orange; horse to zebra) using CycleGAN. Chapter 4, Building Realistic Images from Your Text, presents the latest approach of stacking Generative Adversarial Networks into multiple stages to decompose the problem of text to image synthesis into two more manageable subproblems with StackGAN. The chapter also shows how DiscoGAN successfully transfers styles across multiple domains to generate output images of handbags from the given input of shoe images or to perform gender transformations of celebrity images. Chapter 5, Using Various Generative Models to Generate Images, introduces the concept of a pretrained model and discusses techniques for running deep learning and generative models over large distributed systems using Apache Spark. We will then enhance the resolution of low quality images using pr
2021-09-30 20:59:57 10.73MB 对抗神经网络
牙齿检测仪 数据集目前是私有的,但是是由一位外科医生使用VoTT进行标记制作的。 导出是使用Tensorflow Pascal VOC格式进行的 该项目分为两个任务: 检测牙齿修复,牙髓治疗和植入物(模型/治疗) 检测牙齿并确定其ISO牙科标记(型号/索引) 安装 从Google云端硬盘下载数据集(目前数据集是私有的) 安装tensorflow对象检测: : 安装Cloud SDK以在Google Cloud 上运行 pip install -r requirements.txt # Tensorflow Object Detection API git clone git@github.com:tensorflow/models.git git clone https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi.git cd cocoapi/Python
2021-09-29 19:48:54 11.49MB deep-learning tensorflow health neural-networks