数字信号处理入门学习非常合适的一本书 This book is an expansion of previous editions of Understanding Digital Signal Processing. Like those earlier editions, its goals are (1) to help beginning students understand the theory of digital signal processing (DSP) and (2) to provide practical DSP information, not found in other books, to help working engineers/scientists design and test their signal processing systems. Each chapter of this book contains new information beyond that provided in earlier editions. It’s traditional at this point in the preface of a DSP textbook for the author to tell readers why they should learn DSP. I don’t need to tell you how important DSP is in our modern engineering world. You already know that. I’ll just say that the future of electronics is DSP, and with this book you will not be left behind.
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高级遥感教程 这些教程由纽约州立大学环境科学与林业学院的Ge (Jeff) Pu 和 Lindi Quackenbush 博士开发, 作为高级遥感课程的一部分。开发这些教程的资金由AmericaView提供。
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Digital Image Processing 第四版 和官方版一样,欢迎希望学习计算机图像处理的同学下载
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