2021-12-29 14:23:37 1.84MB Drag Drop List Control
Zynq MMU 缓存控制 控制 Zynq Cortex A9 MMU/缓存的指南 (还展示了如何在 Xilinx SDK 中创建自定义软件库) 这是一份应用笔记,适用于希望通过 Xilinx Zynq SoC 器件控制 Cortex A9 器件上的缓存/MMU 的用户。 此版本的应用笔记是为和编写的。 提供的示例代码是为编写的。 贡献 提供了代码示例供您使用,但请随时通过拉取请求以通常的方式将您自己的代码贡献回此存储库。 请从这个 repo 中 fork,然后在提交回这个 repo 之前在你的 fork 中创建一个适当命名的分支。 请不要从您的“主”分支提交拉取请求。 代码的每一个新添加都应该属于它自己提交的分支。 谢谢。
2021-12-29 14:00:17 916KB C
我们将深度Q-Learning成功背后的理念与持续的 动作域。我们提出了一种基于确定性模型的无模型算法 可以在连续动作空间上操作的策略梯度。使用 同样的学习算法,网络结构和超参数,我们的算法 稳健地解决20多个模拟物理任务,包括经典 如手推车摆动、灵巧操作、腿部运动等问题 还有开车。我们的算法能够找到性能具有竞争力的策略 与那些发现的规划算法完全访问的动态 域及其衍生物的。我们进一步证明,对于许多 任务算法可以“端到端”学习策略:直接从原始像素输入。
2021-12-29 13:02:26 668KB 深度学习 强化学习 机器人 运动控制
Tao Adaptive Control design and analysis 自适应控制器设计与分析
2021-12-29 12:40:05 26.01MB 自适应控制器设计与分析
组织机构图控件 Web Control for ASP.NET 2.0 动态生成组织机构图或其他树形结构图,并可以操作超链接   组织机构图可以由上至下显示,也可以由左至右显示,通过一个参数选择。 具体请看 Demo
2021-12-29 09:28:57 43KB 组织 机构 控件
2021-12-29 09:09:12 12.37MB matlab control
Multivariable feedback control analysis and design JOHN WILEY & SONS Chichester . New York . Brisbane . Toronto . Singapore
2021-12-27 22:47:08 3.94MB control
文献资料 建立状态 覆盖范围 SDDP.jl是一个使用随机双重动态规划解决大型多阶段凸随机规划问题的软件包。 您可以在找到文档。 如果需要帮助,请提交Github问题: :
This manual describes the X-CUBE-MCSDK and X-CUBE-MCSDK-FUL STM32 motor control software development kits (SDKs) designed for, and to be used with, STM32 microcontrollers. The SDKs contain a software library that implements the field oriented control (FOC) drive of 3-phase permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs), both surface mounted (SMPMSM) and interior (I-PMSM). The STM32 family of 32-bit Flash microcontrollers is specifically developed for embedded applications. It is based on the following ARM® Cortex®-M cores: the Cortex®-M0 for the STM32F0, the Cortex®-M3 for the STM32F1 and STM32F2, and the Cortex®-M4 for the STM32F3, STM32F4 and STM32L4, and the Cortex®-M7 for the STM32F7. These microcontrollers combine high performance with first-class peripherals that make them suitable for performing three-phase motor FOC. The PMSM FOC library can be used to quickly evaluate ST microcontrollers, to complete ST application platforms, and to save time when developing motor control algorithms to be run on ST microcontrollers. It is written in the C language, and implements the core motor control algorithms, as well as sensor reading/decoding algorithms and sensor-less algorithms for rotor position reconstruction. This library can be easily configured to make use of the STM32F30x's embedded advanced analog peripherals (fast comparators and programmable gain amplifiers (PGAs)) for current sensing and protection, thus simplifying application boards. When deployed with the STM32F103 (Flash memory from 256 Kbytes to 1Mbyte), STM32F303 or STM32F4 devices, the library allows two motors to be driven simultaneously. The library can be customized to suit user application parameters (motor, sensors, power stage, control stage, pin-out assignment) and provides a ready-to-use application programming interface (API). A PC graphical user interface (GUI), the ST motor control workbench, allows complete and easy customization of the PMSM FOC library. Thanks to this, the user can run a PMSM motor in a very short time. A set of ready-to-use examples is provided to explain the use of the motor control API and its most commonly used features. These projects usually provide a UART interface that allows convenient real-time fine-tuning of the motor control subsystem with a remote control tool, the STM32 motor control monitor. The STM32 motor control SDK is delivered as an expansion pack for the STM32 CubeMX tool, and the PMSM FOC library is based on the STM32 Cube Firmware libraries. The list of supported STM32 microcontrollers is provided in the release note delivered with the SDK.
2021-12-27 16:58:44 1.15MB STM32 motor control
自适应控制和鲁棒控制同是处理存在于系统的不确定性现象,此因把它们结合起来,取长补短。 这是鲁棒自适应控制的基本特点。鲁棒自适应控制(Robust Adaptive Control)是指对那些存在不 定性的系统进行控制。鲁棒自适应控制有着广泛的应用如机器人,飞行器控制等领域。
2021-12-26 21:23:24 3.71MB robust adaptive