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2022-05-27 15:08:34 88.99MB linux centos 运维 服务器
Linux kernel development has been the worlds largest collaborative project to date. With this practical guide, you will learn Linux through one of its most popular and stable distributions. This book will introduce you to essential Linux skills using CentOS 7. It describes how a Linux system is organized, and will introduce you to key command-line concepts you can practice on your own. It will guide you in performing basic system administration tasks and day-to-day operations in a Linux environment. You will learn core system administration skills for managing a system running CentOS 7 or a similar operating system, such as RHEL 7, Scientific Linux, and Oracle Linux. You will be able to perform installation, establish network connectivity and user and process management, modify file permissions, manage text files using the command line, and implement basic security administration after covering this book. By the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of working with Linux using the command line.
2022-05-27 14:10:49 11.15MB CentOS
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2022-05-23 19:40:02 135.5MB Centos 搜狗输入法
前言 NFS(Network File System)意为网络文件系统,它最大的功能就是可以通过网络,让不同的机器不同的操作系统可以共享彼此的文件。简单的讲就是可以挂载远程主机的共享目录到本地,就像操作本地磁盘一样,非常方便的操作远程文件。 本文将给大家讲解如何在CentOS7上安装和配置NFS服务器。 下面话不多说了,来一起看看详细的介绍吧 准备 我们需要两台CentOS7机器,我们用虚拟机做测试,分别做NFS服务器和客户端,配置如下: NFS服务器ip:。 客户端ip:。 我们要实现的目标是:在NFS服务器上共享一个目录,在客户端上可以
2022-05-23 10:23:27 71KB centos data nfs
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