这是一个社交类型的app,有活动、探索、新鲜事、视频照片分享等功能。webpack搭建环境+vue开发,html+scss实现布局基于mint ui框架实现单页面应用以及数据的交互Router跳转.默认首页组件上下游传(props)实现数据统一。
2021-06-20 17:41:13 4.79MB app
UC20_Voice_Over_USB_Application_Note_V1.2_20150814.pdf usb传输声音
2021-06-19 21:01:44 252KB UC20
Quectel_EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.1_Socket_Forwarding_Application_Note_V1.0.pdf
2021-06-19 21:01:43 233KB EC20 EC21 EC25 sokcet
2021-06-19 21:01:43 1.93MB EC25 PPP
2021-06-19 21:01:42 286KB TTS EC20
Abstract: In order to make the operation of Beer filling production line automatic and efficient, the control of eachsubsection needs to be optimized. Arranging bottle is the first subsection of the beer filling production line. And therealization of its control function plays an important role in the smooth operation of the entire production line. To addressthe issue of the automatic control problems in the arranging bottle process, PLC (programmable logic controller) technology is applied to realize the design of the control system architecture and control procedures. In the project of the control system, depending on the operating state, the functions of the motors and solenoid valves, which are the key parts, are designed. According to the different operation, timely adjustments are made to improve the system efficiency. Meanwhile, on the basis of the monitoring of the operational status and the design of the program, the system faults are diagnosed, and the appropriate control treatments are made, which achieves an automatic, efficient and stable operation of the arranging bottle process.
2021-06-19 19:16:48 1.25MB PLC beer filling
(Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program)是在目前陆上风电场设计过程中应 用较为广泛的一种模型软件。 经8.3版本测试通过
2021-06-18 16:42:15 49KB 破解 注册
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2021-06-16 16:37:29 130KB php waf ctf web-application-firewall
2021-06-16 09:02:06 5.02MB 422 485 串口
System V Application Binary Interface,2021
2021-06-15 22:00:50 491KB linux ABI systemv