`id` '行政区划ID', `ad_code` '行政区划代码', `area_code` '区号', `name` '名称', `pid` '父级ID', `gmt_create` '创建时间', `gmt_modified` '更新时间'
2022-05-24 11:01:28 1KB 基础数据 数据字典
介绍 NUAA 2018 数据库课程实验,一个基于B/S架构的教务系统,作者 NUAA 161520311 该项目分为前后端两部分,你看到的这部分为前端,即页面部分,此外,该项目还提供了基于Electron的桌面版应用。项目用到的技术栈为nodejs + react+ antd + electron 前端环境配置 在使用之前,你需要安装nodejs,如果未安装,请自行前往官网下载 使用npm安装包管理工具yarn: npm install -g yarn 使用yarn安装项目依赖: yarn install 如果中途出现了错误,十有八九是electron无法下载的原因,遇到这种情况你需要为electron和npm设置代理,请自行寻找办法解决 安装完依赖之后,你可以使用: yarn start 开启前端调试服务器 此时你可以直接访问: http://localhost:3000/ 来查看页面
2022-05-23 17:48:42 351KB electron react db antd
For many people, smartphones have become an extension of themselves. Now running on over 2 billion monthly-active devices, Android is the most common smartphone operating system in use world-wide, with users installing an average of 50 apps each, resulting in over 94 billion apps downloaded from the Play app store in 2017 alone. Ubiquitous and indispensable, smartphones are so advanced and personal that studies have shown people become anxious if they misplace their device, lose connectivity, or run low on battery. In the 10 years since launching in 2008, Android has expanded beyond mobile phones to become a development platform for a wide range of hardware, with 24,000 devices from over 1,300 brands, including everything from tablets to televisions, watches, cars, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Over the same period, there have been 28 platform and SDK releases. These innovations, combined with the size of the ecosystem, provide unparalleled opportunities for developers to create innovative new applications for a global audience of users. Android offers an open platform for mobile application development. Without artificial barriers, Android developers are free to write apps that take full advantage of an incredible range of devices. Using Google Play for distribution, developers can distribute free and paid applications to compatible Android devices globally. This book is a hands-on guide to building Android applications for all Android devices. It’s written based on version 8.1 of the Android SDK, using Android Studio 3.1. Chapter by chapter, it takes you through a series of sample projects, each introducing new features and techniques to get the most out of Android. It covers all the basic functionality to get started, as well as the information for experienced mobile developers to take full advantage of the features of Android, to enhance existing products or create innovative new ones. The Android team releases a new major platform every year, a new version of Android Studio every few months, and incremental changes to Jetpack, such as the support library and Android Architecture Components, many times each year. With such rapid release cycles, there are regular changes, additions, and improvements to the tools, platform APIs, and development libraries you’ll use—and which are described in this book. To minimize the impact of these changes, the Android engineering team works hard to ensure backward compatibility. However, future releases will date some of the information provided in this book, and not all active Android devices will be running the latest platform release. To mitigate this, wherever possible, we have used backward-compatible support libraries, and included details on which platform releases support the functionality described—and which alternatives may exist to provide support for users of devices running earlier platforms. Further, the explanations and examples included will give you the grounding and knowledge needed to write compelling mobile applications using the current SDK, along with the flexibility to quickly adapt to future enhancements.
2022-05-23 17:36:00 18.97MB Reto Meier Ian Lake
2022-05-23 17:04:51 1.79MB 文档资料
2022-05-22 19:32:30 8.15MB 鱼C python 课后习题 习题答案
2022-05-22 12:02:44 1.53MB
source-engine-2018-hl2_src:从〜2018开始泄漏的TF2源引擎源代码。 感谢泰勒·麦克维克(Tyler McVicker)! (lib,不包含toolsruntime)
2022-05-22 10:37:58 104.33MB 系统开源
三级模式(三级视图) External Schema ---- (External) View 某一用户能够看到与处理的数据的结构描述 (Conceptual) Schema ---- Conceptual View 从全局角度理解/管理的数据的结构描述, 含相应的关联约束 体现在数据之间的内在本质联系 Internal Schema ---- Internal View 存储在介质上的数据的结构描述,含存储路径、存储方式、索引方式等 模式指全局模式 视图指外部视图 两层映像 E-C Mapping:External Schema-Conceptual Schema Mapping ----将外模式映射为概念模式,从而支持实现数据概念视图向外部视图的转换 ----便于用户观察和使用 C-I Mapping:Conceptual Schema-Internal Schema Mapping ----将概念模式映射为内模式,从而支持实现数据概念视图向内部视图的转换 ----便于计算机进行存储和处理 两个独立性? 逻辑数据独立性 当概念模式变化时,可以不改变外部模式(只需改变E-C Mapping),从而无需 改变应用程序 物理数据独立性 当内部模式变化时,可以不改变概念模式(只需改变C-I Mapping) ,从而不改 变外部模式
2022-05-20 20:40:12 3.55MB hit 
DBExperiment_Electron 数据库原理课设 with electron@NUAA 2018 Install # mysql client # user:root # password:root123456 $ git clone https://github.com/DoubleMice/DBExperiment_Electron.git $ cd DBExperiment_Electron $ mysql -u root -p $ password: root123456 $ mysql source dbExp.mysql $ npm install $ npm start Develope 自定义菜单 import {Menu} from 'electron'; ... ... const menuTemplate = [ { lable :
2022-05-20 19:24:43 2.38MB HTML