yolov5+PyQt5实现玩手机行为检测语音告警源码_带GUI界面+模型(5千多个目标训练)+评估指标曲线+操作说明.zip 包含如下: yolov5算法 pyqt5 GUI界面 检测到玩手机语言告警 玩手机模型 评估指标曲线+操作说明 【备注】主要针对正在做毕设的同学和需要项目实战的深度学习cv图像识别模式识别方向学习者。 也可作为课程设计、期末大作业。包含:项目源码、训练好的模型、项目操作说明等,该项目可直接作为毕设使用。 也可以用来学习、参考、借鉴。如果基础不错,在此代码上做修改,训练其他模型。
2022-12-11 09:28:33 32.54MB yolov5 gui界面 玩手机检测告警 毕设源码
语音清浊分类matlab程序 适合初学者
2022-12-10 21:57:07 466B 清浊分类
2022-12-10 21:54:21 3KB 语音 端点检测 多字 matlab
2022-12-10 12:21:45 27KB labview 语音播报
2022-12-10 00:12:31 574B tts vbs freeswitch
3.7.1自相关函数法 语音信号s(m)经窗长N的窗口截取为一段加窗语音信号Sn(m)后,定义Sn(m)的自相关函数(AFC)Rn(k)为: Rn(k)不为零的范围为k=(-N+1)~(N-1),且为偶函数 浊音信号的自相关函数在基音周期的整数倍位置上出现峰值; 清音信号的自相关函数没有明显的峰值出现。 因此检测是否有峰值就可判断是清音或浊音,检测峰值的位置就可提取基音周期值。
2022-12-09 13:28:39 1.83MB 语音信号 基因周期估计
2022-12-08 21:02:34 1002KB 语音文件转C代码
语音语料库_part_1 TRAIN DR1 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.
2022-12-08 11:28:48 40.05MB 音频数据集
语音语料库_part_2 TRAIN DR2 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.
2022-12-08 11:28:48 80.61MB 音频数据集
语音语料库_part_3 TRAIN DR3 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.
2022-12-08 11:28:47 80.92MB 音频数据集