LTE- Advanced (3GPP Rel.12) Technology Introduction White Paper
2021-08-19 09:04:30 1.57MB LTE
2021-08-18 18:14:47 639.79MB PLCSIM_Advanced
2021-08-18 18:14:45 714.82MB PLCSIM_Advanced
Core Java® has long been recognized as the leading, no-nonsense tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications. Now, Core Java®, Volume II—Advanced Features, Tenth Edition, has been extensively updated to reflect the most eagerly awaited and innovative version of Java in years: Java SE 8. Rewritten and reorganized to illuminate powerful new Java features, idioms, and best practices for enterprise and desktop development, it contains hundreds of up-to-date example programs—all carefully crafted for easy understanding and practical applicability. Writing for serious programmers solving real-world problems, Cay Horstmann deepens your understanding of today’s Java language and library. In this second of two updated volumes, he offers in-depth coverage of advanced topics including the new Streams API and date/time/calendar library, advanced Swing, security, code processing, and more. This guide will help you •Use the new Streams library to process collections more flexibly and efficiently •Efficiently access files and directories, read/write binary or text data, and serialize objects •Work with Java SE 8’s regular expression package •Make the most of XML in Java: parsing, validation, XPath, document generation, XSL, and more •Efficiently connect Java programs to network services •Program databases with JDBC 4.2 •Elegantly overcome date/time programming complexities with the new java.time API •Write internationalized programs with localized dates/times, numbers, text, and GUIs •Process code with the scripting API, compiler API, and annotation processors •Enforce security via class loaders, bytecode verification, security managers, permissions, user authentication, digital signatures, code signing, and encryption •Master advanced Swing components for lists, tables, trees, text, and progress indicators •Produce high-quality drawings with the Java 2D API •Use JNI native methods to leverage code in o
2021-08-18 11:10:40 15.58MB Core java 10th edition
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2021-08-17 11:05:07 17.06MB Advanced Installer 14.3
Advanced Password Recovery Suite 是一款专业易用且完整的密码管理工具,可以帮助广大用户为目前绝大多数不同类型的主流网页浏览器、WiFi无线网络(WEP/WPA/WPA2)、windows登录密码和账户、E-Mail电子邮件(MS Outlook、Thunderbird、Opera Mail)、FTP客户端(FileZilla、WinSCP、SmartFTP、CoreFTP、CuteFTP)以及包括Office、AutoCAD、CorelDRAW、Nero、WinZip、WinRAR在内的其它2000多种各种类型及用途的软件和游戏提供密钥恢复支持服务,据悉密码管理工具的设计与实现是基于实际电脑软件应用需求的,所以可以彻底杜绝由于系统重装、病毒感染以及其它不可预料因素导致的密码丢失问题,威航软件园通过多种密码管理工具对比发现,Advanced Password Recovery Suite 凭借专业强悍的密码管理功能和优秀的用户体验深受广大用户喜爱,即便是对比大名鼎鼎的1Password那也是惶惶不可多让,那么大家想知道密码管理工具哪个好用吗,威航强烈推荐大家试试Advanced Password Recovery Suite吧。
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2021-08-15 11:34:23 2.1MB PDF Password Recovery pro
Sun - Solaris 9 SysAd Guide - Advanced.pdf
2021-08-15 01:31:36 1.41MB unix
约翰逊的又一本SI力作,介绍如下: Raves for Dr. Johnson's previous classic, High-Speed Digital Design! " of the finest efforts to come along in the field of applied high-speed digital design because of its focus on providing tools for the whole design team bringing a high-speed product to life. For all the PCB designers and circuit designers out there, buy it; read it; keep it." -Dan Baumgartner, Printed Circuit Design In High-Speed Signal Propagation, Howard Johnson and Martin Graham bring together state-of-the-art techniques for building digital interconnections that can transmit faster, farther, and more efficiently than ever before. Packed with new examples and never-before-published high-speed design guidance, this book offers a complete and unified theory of signal propagation for all metallic media, from cables to pcb traces to chips. Coverage includes: Managing tradeoffs between speed and distance Physical theory of signal impairments: skin and proximity effects, dielectric loss, surface roughness, and non-TEM mode propagation Generalized frequency- and step-response models Calculation of time-domain waveforms from frequency-domain transfer functions Differential signaling: Edge-coupled and broadside-coupled differential pairs, bends, intra-pair skew, differential trace geometry impedance, crosstalk, and radiation Inter-cabinet connections: Coax, twisted-pair, fiber, equalizers, and LAN building wiring Clock distribution: Special requirements, repeaters, multi-drop clock distribution, jitter, and power filtering Simulation: Frequency domain simulation methods, Spice, and IBIS
2021-08-13 10:12:01 5.79MB SI High-Speed Digital Design
2021-08-12 09:16:58 985KB #资源达人分享计划# 5G