高速绘图(轴固定时),允许快速绘制数据 无限数量的数据序列(内存是限制) 每个数据序列的数据量不受限制 支持线图,点图,平面图,柱状图,K线图 和甘特图系列 最多四个轴(左,下,右和上轴) 标准轴,对数轴或日期/时间轴 自动伸缩的坐标轴, 翻转的坐标轴(相互独立) 轴标签 点标签 平滑的曲线 网格 图例和标题 交互性(在控件中发生特定事件时的通知) 支持手动缩放和鼠标平移 支持鼠标指针 支持轴上的滚动条 高度可定制(颜色,标题,标签,边缘,字体等) 支持UNICODE 支持打印和保存到图像文件
2019-12-21 21:09:46 46.3MB mfc  chart contro
High Performance Parallelism Pearls shows how to leverage parallelism on processors and coprocessors with the same programming – illustrating the most effective ways to better tap the computational potential of systems with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors and Intel Xeon processors or other multicore processors. The book includes examples of successful programming efforts, drawn from across industries and domains such as chemistry, engineering, and environmental science. Each chapter in this edited work includes detailed explanations of the programming techniques used, while showing high performance results on both Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors and multicore processors. Learn from dozens of new examples and case studies illustrating "success stories" demonstrating not just the features of these powerful systems, but also how to leverage parallelism across these heterogeneous systems.
2019-12-21 20:59:15 27.13MB performance parallelism
High-speed Charting Control的源文件,下载下来以后需要把文件夹下的简介删除掉之后可以直接使用。
2019-12-21 20:53:10 105KB High-speed ChartCtrl
High Sierra10.13原版镜像,支持在win系统下面制作,已添加引导,做完可以正常识别
2019-12-21 20:52:28 425B macos High Sierra 苹果系统
Digital control of high-frequency switched-mode power converter
2019-12-21 20:40:53 10.44MB digital cont
Packt.HBase.High.Performance.Cookbook, 包括pdf, azw3,epub,mobi四种格式。我也是下载了错误的格式后,找到的这个版本,希望能对其他人有所帮助。
2019-12-21 20:26:44 33.37MB hbase performance cookbook pdf
最新的Xeon Phi MIC体系结构编程指南 程序并行和vectorization Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor High Performance Programming by James Jeffers and James Reinders
2019-12-21 20:22:54 3.11MB MIC Xeon Phi HPC
The first high-level synthesis platform for use across your entire SoC design, Stratus High-Level Synthesis (HLS) delivers up to 10X better productivity than traditional RTL design. Based on more than 14 years of production HLS deployment, the Stratus tool lets you quickly design and verify high-quality RTL implementations from abstract SystemC, C, or C++ models.
2019-12-21 20:16:33 10.88MB HLS
一、 安装前的准备工作 2 1.1 安装介质下载准备 2 1.2 操作系统package与参数等的设置 6 1.3 用户、目录的创建与设置 9 1.4 Hosts文件的修改 11 二、 安装SAP PI开发测试环境(单机环境) 12 三、 安装SAP PI生产环境(HA环境) 37 3.1 ASCS服务的安装 37 3.2 SCS服务的安装 43 3.3 DB服务的安装 47 3.4 ERS Instance服务的安装 58 3.5 SAP CI服务的安装 62 3.6 SAP DI服务的安装 71 四、 配置SAP PI生产环境Cluster 73 五、 启动SAP PI服务后续调整与优化设置 86 5.1 安装SAP PI语言包并配置传输路径 86 5.2 升级SAP PI ABAP组件 93 5.3 调整系统参数文件,初始化SAP PI ABAP等相关设置 102 5.4升级SAP PI Kernel 111 5.5升级SAP PI JAVA组件 112 5.6 安装SAP WEBDISP组件 119 5.7 初始化SAP PI JAVA等相关设置 122
2019-12-21 20:05:20 11.31MB SAP_Linux_HA installation High availability
High-speed serial IO made simple 中文版
2019-12-21 20:03:31 3.63MB High-speed serial IO made