淘宝花钱买的最新版!需要的拿去! This asset obfuscates your code to make it harder for bad guys to reverse engineer your projects. Specifically designed for Unity, it seamlessly links in with its build process. The top priority of this package is to work straight out of the box with no extra steps required. While other obfuscators can stop a game from working, Beebyte's obfuscator looks for specific Unity related code that must be protected. The contents of your source files are unchanged, the obfuscation targets the compiled assembly. Features: - Supports IL2CPP - Supports Assembly Definition Files (Unity 2017.3+) - Removes Namespaces without any conflicts - Recognises Unity related code that must not be changed - Renames Classes (including MonoBehaviours) - Renames Methods - Renames Parameters - Renames Fields - Renames Properties - Renames Events - String literal obfuscation - Adds fake methods - Easy and extensive customisation using the Unity inspector window - Consistent name translations are possible across multiple builds and developers - Semantically secure cryptographic naming convention for renamed members The asset works for both Unity Free and Unity Pro version 4.2.0 onwards (including Unity 5 & 2017 & 2018). Build targets include Standalone, Android, iOS, WebGL, UWP. Other platforms are not guaranteed or supported but may become supported at a future date. IL2CPP builds are much harder to reverse engineer but strings and member information (class, method names etc) are visible in the global-metadata.dat file. Obfuscation will apply to this file adding further security. Why not complement your security with the Anti-Cheat Toolkit - a great third party asset. For more information about the Obfuscator, please see the FAQ
2020-01-03 11:22:57 806KB unity3d 代码混淆 加密 Obfuscator
2020-01-03 11:18:29 2.29MB kaldi 语音 语音识别
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2019-12-21 22:25:23 484KB Java 数据库
VMware Remote Console 可以实现控制台访问,以及客户端设备与远程主机上的虚拟机之间的连接。您将需要先下载此安装程序,然后才能直接从 VMware vSphere 和 vRealize Automation Web 客户端启动外部 VMRC 应用程序。 发行日期 2019-01-24
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2019-12-21 22:16:15 2.13MB BNT 贝叶斯网络 matlab
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2019-12-21 22:01:45 484KB mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar
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2019-12-21 21:38:52 531KB zotero chrome插件 文献管理
VMware Remote Console 10.0.4 for Windows官网软件最新版
2019-12-21 21:21:27 40.28MB vmware Remote