We study nonzero-sum stochastic switching games. Two players compete for market dominance through controlling (via timing options) the discrete-state market regime . Switching decisions are driven by a continuous stochastic factor that modulates instantaneous revenue rates and switching costs. This generates a competitive feedback between the short-term fluctuations due to and the medium-term advantages based on . We construct threshold-type Feedback Nash Equilibria which characterize stationa
Internet Explorer 11 将于 2022 年 6 月 15 日停用
Microsoft Edge 是唯一一款对旧版网站和应用具有内置兼容性的浏览器。
IE 模式支持以下 Internet Explorer 功能:
所有文档模式和企业模式,ActiveX 控件(例如 Java 或
模式的 Internet Explorer 设置和组策略,用于 IE 的 F12 开发人
员工具(与 IEChooser 一起启动时),以及 Microsoft Edge
扩展(不支持与 IE 页面内容直接交互的扩展)