Advanced Archive Password Recovery是Elcomsoft公司的作品,可以破解各种常见的压缩包密码。
2021-08-23 10:50:48 2.21MB archpr 强力破解 密码 带注册码
R语言高级程序设计 -《Advanced R》文字版.pdf 个人收集电子书,仅用学习使用,不可用于商业用途,如有版权问题,请联系删除!
2021-08-22 21:32:52 5.44MB 计算机 编程
Advanced Design Techniques and Realizations of Microwave and RF Filters
2021-08-22 13:26:46 3.73MB Realizations Microwave RF Filters
Advanced PC Cleanup 是一款非常先进的系统清理垃圾工具,能彻底扫描将显示删除所有未使用的冗余文件和历史下载内容可以恢复多少存储空间以及启动项管理,并一键修复诸如电脑垃圾文件清理、注册表残留、删除浏览器中保存的个人信息、禁用启动项并卸载不需要的应用程序以及系统性能优化等几乎电脑所有相关问题,同时还能删除恶意软件和广告软件,确保用户的计算机操作系统免受任何潜在的威胁,威航软件园测试后认为Advanced PC Cleanup可以算是清理垃圾最干净的软件之一,如果大家需要一款专业好用的垃圾文件清理工具的话,快来威航下载最新版本的Advanced PC Cleanup吧。
2021-08-22 13:03:01 13.2MB
Mendel Cooper:Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide——An In-Depth Exploration of the Art of Shell Scripting@2012 (文档版本 6.6)
2021-08-20 22:01:13 2.09MB bash
2021-08-20 09:19:32 30.51MB Adcanced Calculus Woods
Unity3D的Inspector插件工具。 内置许多Editor属性,可以快速设置字段在Inspector中的显示样式和格式。
2021-08-19 13:24:29 10.01MB unity3d AdvancedInspect 插件
Advanced Optical Wireless Communication Systems Advanced Optical Wireless Communication Systems Optical wireless communications is a dynamic area of research and development. Com- bining fundamental theory with a broad overview, this book is an ideal reference for any- one working in the field, as well as a valuable guide for self-study. It begins by describing important issues in optical wireless theory, including coding and modulation techniques for optical wireless, wireless optical CDMA communication systems, equalization and Markov chains in cloud channels, and optical MIMO systems, as well as explaining key issues in information theory for optical wireless channels. The next part describes unique channels that could be found in optical wireless applications, such as NLOS UV atmospheric scattering channels, underwater communication links, and a combination of hybrid RF/optical wireless systems. The final part describes applications of optical wireless technology, such as quantum encryption, visible light communication, IR links, and sensor networks, with step-by-step guidelines to help reduce design time and cost. Shlomi Arnon is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ben-Gurion University (BGU), Israel, and the Principal Investigator of Israel Partnership with NASA LUNAR Science Institute. In addition to research, Pro- fessor Arnon and his students work on many challenging engineering projects with emphasis on the humanitarian dimension, such as developing a system to detect human survival after earthquakes, or an infant respiration monitoring system to prevent cardiac arrest and apnea. John R. Barry is a Professor of Telecommunications in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a coauthor of Dig- ital Communication (2004), and Iterative Timing Recovery: A Per-Survivor Approach (VDM, 2009), and he is the author of Wireless Infrared Communications (1994). George
2021-08-19 11:53:37 12.75MB Optical Wireless
LTE- Advanced (3GPP Rel.12) Technology Introduction White Paper
2021-08-19 09:04:30 1.57MB LTE
2021-08-18 18:14:47 639.79MB PLCSIM_Advanced