配网中电动汽车充电的最优调度 项目摘要 运输部门在总能源消耗中占很大比例,迄今为止主要以化石燃料为基础。 通过道路交通的大规模电气化减少温室气体的排放,可能会降低配电网中的电压分布和过载的网络设备。 以集中和协调的方式控制电动汽车的充电时间表可为缓解此类问题提供一种潜在的解决方案,并可推迟对网络基础设施升级的投资。 在这项工作中,提出了一种用于在居民低压配电网中为电动汽车充电过夜的健壮的,将成本最小化的单向日前调度例程,该例程在随机环境中观察了本地网络,设备和充电需求约束。 为了降低计算复杂度,采用了线性潮流近似。 建模环境涉及不确定的住宅用电需求,市场价格以及电动汽车所有者的出行行为,包括随机的每日出行距离,到达和离开时间。 有关这些参数的概率分布的知识用于对冲有关充电成本,网络过载,电压违规和充电可靠性的风险。 结果提供了对不确定性的影响以及优化过程中解决风险特定方面的有效性的见解
2021-12-17 19:51:51 77.73MB emobility power gurobi dissertation
UNIX Power Tools (3rd Edition).chm 。unix超级工具是学习unix,linux的好工具。
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power build学生综合管理系统实验报告,含源代码,图片说明
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jms578 USB3.0硬盘盒原理图,JMS578 QFN-SELF POWER LOGO_V1.4.pdf
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RTL8196C family integrates a high performance 400MHz RISC CPU, five-port Fast Ethernet switch with PHY, SDR and DDR memory controller, flash memory controller, USB2.0 controller, and useful peripheral interfaces. The RTL8196C delivers high performance with low power consumption for 802.11n AP router application
2021-12-17 13:52:40 7.43MB Realtek
ABSTRACT In the last few years, power dissipation has become an important design constraint, on par with performance, in the design of new computer systems. Whereas in the past, the primary job of the computer architect was to translate improvements in operating frequency and transistor count into performance, now power efficiency must be taken into account at every step of the design process. While for some time, architects have been successful in delivering 40% to 50% annual improvement in processor performance, costs that were previously brushed aside eventually caught up. The most critical of these costs is the inexorable increase in power dissipation and power density in processors. Power dissipation issues have catalyzed new topic areas in computer architecture, resulting in a substantial body of work on more power-efficient architectures. Power dissipation coupled with diminishing performance gains, was also the main cause for the switch from single-core to multi-core architectures and a slowdown in frequency increase. This book aims to document some of the most important architectural techniques that were invented, proposed, and applied to reduce both dynamic power and static power dissipation in processors and memory hierarchies. A significant number of techniques have been proposed for a wide range of situations and this book synthesizes those techniques by focusing on their common characteristics.
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强大运动控制器PMAC适用于中高端设备使用,特殊功能控制与运算,不仅可以在CNC和激光行业 还可以在自动化设备上使用
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Instantaneous Power Theory and Applications to Power Conditioning
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EFM 32小壁虎功耗测试流程介绍 下载Simplicity Studio 并安装 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i4TyBzB 密码:oys4
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