2021-09-10 15:37:53 364KB MP-236 digita 校园数字音乐
The 1st Edition of Digital Systems Design using VHDL by Charles H. Roth. PDF form. Engllish version.
2021-09-10 10:08:58 6.05MB Digital system VHDL Roth
Modelsim 官网提供的VHDL参考教材,第一版,内容不错!
2021-09-09 21:16:40 6.05MB VHDL, 1st edition
This new, fully revised edition covers all the major topics of digital signal processing (DSP) design and analysis in a single, all-inclusive volume, interweaving theory with real-world examples and design trade-offs.
2021-09-09 10:04:08 6.06MB 离散变换 频谱估计 multirate sy
2021-09-09 09:34:25 43.49MB 图像处理 深度学习
Digital_Image_Processing_Third_Edition 英文原版 数字图象处理方面教材
2021-09-08 19:46:04 17.47MB 数字图象处理 Digital Image Processing
胡迪尼管理 Houdini-Manage是一个PyQt5应用程序,它允许您将Houdini数字资产,本机插件,工具栏,python模块和VEX标头链接到您的Houdini环境中,以安装它们的库。 特征 保持您的Houdini首选项目录干净,Hoduini-Manage仅会修改您的houdini.env文件 安装库时自动构建DSO
2021-09-08 12:21:40 30KB python houdini houdini-digital-assets Python
This book is on the basic foundations of digital still cameras, the image sensor and the techniques used in processing the image coming from the sensor. It includes both the theory and the concepts of both the hardware being used and the software that ties everything together to make a useful system. This field is one that is rapidly changing. As a result Dr. Nakamura has gotten a group of people from various companies to write chapters on their own area of expertise. The companies by whom these contributors are employed is a who's who of the digital camera field including: Konica Minolta, Canon, Olympus, Fuji and various specialized companies that work in this area. Dr. Nakamura is employed by Micron, a major semi-conductor company. This is not a book on how to take pictures, this is a book on what happens underneath when you press the button. It is highly technical, designed for engineers.
2021-09-07 23:17:00 11.18MB Image Sensors and Signal
2021-09-07 19:11:45 24.53MB 数字通信
UNECE R116法规 数字车钥匙(虚拟钥匙)的概念讨论
2021-09-07 18:04:28 214KB DigitalKey 数字车钥匙 UNECE R116