Engineering Equation Solver (EES) 工程方程求解器主要由美国最顶尖公立大学之一 University of Wisconsin-Madison机械系Sanford A Klein教授开发。EES核心模块式是美国国标局NIST物性参数软件包REFPROP(Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database)的基础。EES是一款通用的方程求解程序,它可以数值化求解数千连接的非线性代数和微分方程。该程序还可以用来解决微分和积分方程,做优化,提供了不确定性分析,进行线性和非线性回归,转换单位,检查单位的一致性,并生成出版质量的情节。EES的一个主要特征是其高精确度的热力学和传输性质的数据库,提供了数百物质的方式来增强求解能力。此软件只作交流学习之用,严禁用于商业用途。请支持正版!
2019-12-21 21:10:05 6.46MB 绿色 破解版
嵌入式系统软件工程:方法、实用技术及应用【英文版】 Software Engineering for Embedded Systems Methods, Practical Techniques, and Applications 附带书签版
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Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineering Applications in MATLAB.pdf
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Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Michael D. Greenberg, 2nd Ed.part1.rar 太大,分开上传
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Modeling in Event-B-System and software Engineering pdf电子版
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This whole book aims to bring ideas and algorithms together. I am convinced that they must be taught and learned in the same course. The algorithm clarifies the idea. The old method, separation of responsibilities , no longer works: Not perfect Mathematics courses teach analytical techniques Engineering courses work on real problems Even within computational science there is a separation we don't need: Not efficient Mathematics courses analyze numerical algorithms Engineering and computer science implement the software I believe it is time to teach and learn the reality of computational science and engineering. I hope this book helps to move that beautiful subj ect forward. Thank you for reading it .
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Chaos Engineering 混沌工程学,详细的介绍了混沌工程学的相关信息,网上只有英文版的,这边提供一个中文版
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introduction to medical imaging:Physics,Engineering and clinical applications, 是医学影像学习比较好的书,我现在学的医学影像就是用这本书,内容丰富
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