2021-06-28 20:03:56 1.34MB Python 程序 软件开发 论文期刊
视觉抓取综述Vision-based Robotic Grasping from Object Localization
2021-06-28 11:07:33 9.01MB 3D
A Review on Object Pose Recovery from.pdf
2021-06-28 11:07:32 3.68MB 3D
在本篇文章里小编给大家分享了关于python中类的输出或类的实例输出为何是<__main__类名 object at xxxx>这种形式,需要的朋友们可以参考下。
2021-06-24 00:37:54 40KB python 输出
贝叶斯神经网络预测:使用动态贝叶斯神经网络预测连续信号数据和Web跟踪数据。 与其他网络架构相比
2021-06-21 21:13:28 10.03MB time-series matlab neural-networks object-tracking
tensorflow-yolov4-tflite YOLOv4,YOLOv4-tiny在Tensorflow 2.0中实现。 将YOLO v4,YOLOv3,YOLO tiny .weights转换为.pb,.tflite和trt格式以生成tensorflow,tensorflow lite和tensorRT。 下载yolov4.weights文件: ://drive.google.com/open id 1cewMfusmPjYWbrnuJRuKhPMwRe_b9PaT 先决条件 Tensorflow 2.3.0rc0 性能 演示版 # Convert darknet weights to tensorflow # # yolov4 python save_model.py --weights ./data/yolov4.weights --output ./checkpoints/yolov4-416 --input_size 416 --model yolov4 # # yolov4-tiny python save_model.py --weights ./data/
2021-06-21 09:16:05 34.07MB android tensorflow tf2 object-detection
After more than ten years, object technology pioneer Rebecca Wirfs-Brock teams with expert Alan McKean to present a thoroughly updated, modern, and proven method for the design of software. The book is packed with practical design techniques that enable the practitioner to get the job done. Like many human endeavors, design is part art, part engineering, part guesswork, and part experimentation. Discipline, hard work, inspiration, and sound technique all play their part as well. For any given problem, there are many reasonable, but only a few very good solutions. The authors' goal is to help readers learn to make those very good design decisions on their own. The book explores challenges that software developers will face as they build their design, and shows how design patterns can be used to solve design problems. Long awaited and eagerly anticipated, this book represents the first great software design book of the century. A FUTURE CLASSIC!
2021-06-19 10:14:22 5.85MB 面向对象
简单的多数据集检测 在具有统一标签空间的多个大规模数据集上训练的对象检测器; ECCV 2020强大视觉挑战的获奖解决方案。 周兴义,弗拉德伦·科尔通,菲利普·克拉伦布, arXiv技术报告( ) 联系人: 。 任何问题或讨论都欢迎! 抽象的 我们如何建立一个通用而广泛的物体检测系统? 我们使用曾经标注过的所有概念的所有标签。 这些标签跨越具有潜在不一致分类法的各种数据集。 在本文中,我们提出了一种在多个大型数据集上训练统一检测器的简单方法。 我们使用特定于数据集的训练协议和损失,但与特定于数据集的输出共享通用的检测架构。 我们展示了如何将这些特定于数据集的输出自动集成到常见的语义分类法中。 与以前的工作相比,我们的方法不需要手动分类。 我们的多数据集检测器在每个训练域上的性能和特定于数据集的模型一样好,但是可以更好地推广到新的看不见的域。 基于提出的方法的条目在ECCV 2020
2021-06-18 11:49:46 5.31MB robust coco object-detection openimages
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超图二次开发教程 Supermap object 完全教程 超图二次开发教程 Supermap object 完全教程
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