LSTM 时间序列分析预测 目录 使用LSTM神经网络进行时间序列数据预测分析。 基于Tensorflow框架、Kerase接口开发网络模型。 包含数据清洗,数据特征提取,数据建模,数据预测。
2022-07-09 16:09:14 5.42MB 深度学习 时间序列 LSTM Tensorflow
(1) 数据通信与存储功能 高清卡口应用软件可以完整、 正确地接收高清卡口标识点设备的状态及识别 结果数据与抓拍车辆照片, 在路段中心数据库进行存储、统计和管理,并按照统 一的数据通信、 存储规范与高清卡口管理软件进行数据通信, 具体规范与要求满 足“7.3高清卡口应用软件与管理软件的接口技术要求” 。数据传输内容主要包括: ①车牌和车辆特征信息:时间、地点、方向、车道、车型(大、中、小) 、 速度、车牌颜色及车牌号码、车身颜色、车徽标志等基本信息。 ②高清抓拍图片:叠加相应数据。 ③车流量统计数据:可分车道、分方向、分时段、分车流进行车流量统计。 ④高清监控视频录像: 高清网络摄像机可提供 1080P的高清晰全景录像, 并 实时上传至路段中心的网络硬盘录像机进行存储。 ⑤设备实时状态监控:实现高清卡口标识点设备的实时监控与远程维护管 理。 ⑥违法占道车辆信息: 抓拍大车(黄牌车)违法占道图片并自动识别车牌号。 ⑦在通讯正常的情况下, 数据信息实时传送到路段中心服务器, 在网络或路 段中心设备出现故障等非正常情况下, 系统应将数据保存在高清卡口标识点设备 中,故障解除后自动恢复断点数据续传,或可采用人工方式下载数据。 (2) 设备状态监控与管理功能 通过远程管理, 实现对本路段高清卡口外场设备管理、控制、故障诊断等相 关配置功能,并实现对前端设备状态实时监控功能。 ①系统提供设备编号、设备时钟、设备运行状态监测设置等设备参数配置, —23—
2022-07-09 13:48:03 1.05MB 卡口 高清 技术规范
When most people hear “Machine Learning,” they picture a robot: a dependable butler or a deadly Terminator depending on who you ask. But Machine Learning is not just a futuristic fantasy, it’s already here. In fact, it has been around for decades in some specialized applications, such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR). But the first ML application that really became mainstream, improving the lives of hundreds of millions of people, took over the world back in the 1990s: it was the spam filter. Not exactly a self-aware Skynet, but it does technically qualify as Machine Learning (it has actually learned so well that you seldom need to flag an email as spam anymore). It was followed by hundreds of ML applications that now quietly power hundreds of products and features that you use regularly, from better recommendations to voice search. Where does Machine Learning start and where does it end? What exactly does it mean for a machine to learn something? If I download a copy of Wikipedia, has my computer really “learned” something? Is it suddenly smarter? In this chapter we will start by clarifying what Machine Learning is and why you may want to use it. Then, before we set out to explore the Machine Learning continent, we will take a look at the map and learn about the main regions and the most notable landmarks: supervised versus unsupervised learning, online versus batch learning, instance-based versus model-based learning. Then we will look at the workflow of a typical ML project, discuss the main challenges you may face, and cover how to evaluate and fine-tune a Machine Learning system. This chapter introduces a lot of fundamental concepts (and jargon) that every data scientist should know by heart. It will be a high-level overview (the only chapter without much code), all rather simple, but you should make sure everything is crystal-clear to you before continuing to the rest of the book. So grab a coffee and let’s get started!
2022-07-08 22:31:57 39.66MB Machine Learning Scikit-Learn TensorFlow
使用 tensorflow 实现迁移学习,对应该文章,其中包含了完整的源代码。可供学习。
2022-07-06 12:04:59 68KB tensorflow 迁移学习 Javascript 机器学习
TensorFlow自组织图 TensorFlow 1.5和Python 3.6的Kohonen自组织映射1的实现。 提供了一个Tensorflow V2版本,该版本位于tfv2分支中。 (感谢Dragan!)这最初是基于代码,但进行了一些关键的修改: 使用TensorFlow广播语义而不是tf.pack和for循环。 输入数据应该来自Tensor而不是tf.placeholder ,从而可以与更快,更复杂的输入数据管道一起使用。 培训使用批处理算法而不是在线算法,如果您具有GPU RAM,则可以大大提高速度。 另外,因此,我添加了... 多GPU支持(对于具有多个GPU的单机,它没有多节点培训)。 Tensorboard可视化的一些摘要操作 example.py通过在3个群集玩具数据集上训练SOM来包含其用法的简单示例。 产生的u-matrix应该看起来像这样: 请注意,该示
Could not load dynamic library 'cublas64_11.dll'; Could not load dynamic library 'cublasLt64_11.dll'; Could not load dynamic library 'cufft64_10.dll'; Could not load dynamic library 'curand64_10.dll'; Could not load dynamic library 'cusolver64_11.dll'; Could not load dynamic library 'cusparse64_11.dll';
2022-07-04 19:42:31 490.97MB tensorflow 人工智能 python 深度学习
WOA+BILSTM+注意力机制电力系统短期负荷预测 python tensorflow2.x运行环境 numpy pandas sklearn 包含负荷数据 bp神经网络 lstm bilstm WOA+bilstm+lstm+bp优化的预测结果图 以及各预测结果与真实值的对比图
2022-07-04 19:09:58 940KB 机器学习 python tensorflow
2022-07-04 14:12:28 1.44MB tensorrt tensorflow 深度学习 目标检测
简介 用keras实现ocr定位、识别,后端tensorflow. 环境 win10 titanx 识别 数据集链接: 密码: vh8p (中英数300W+,语料不均衡) crnn:vgg + blstm + blstm + ctc densenet-ocr :densent + ctc 网格结构 GPU 准确率 模型大小 crnn 60ms 0.972 densent+ctc 8ms 0.982 18.9MB
2022-07-03 21:08:29 1.38MB 人工智能 图像识别 OCR keras
2022-07-03 14:49:50 33.03MB 目标检测 TensorFlow