2021-09-13 22:34:13 81B 计算机科学
2021-09-12 11:54:13 581KB DWA local path plann
随机过程和滤波理论 作者:Andrew H
2021-09-11 20:57:11 23.26MB 滤波理论
Adventures in Stochastic Processes (Sidney Resnick)英文原版 随机过程经典读物
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Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition: A Quantitative Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design) (5th Edition), 2011. John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson
2021-09-09 15:38:12 7.77MB computer architecture
Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML, 5th Edition by Dennis, Wixom, and Tegarden captures the dynamic aspects of the field by keeping students focused on doing SAD while presenting the core set of skills that every systems analyst needs to know today and in the future. The text enables students to do SAD—not just read about it, but understand the issues so they can actually analyze and design systems. The text introduces each major technique, explains what it is, explains how to do it, presents an example, and provides opportunities for students to practice before they do it for real in a project. After reading each chapter, the student will be able to perform that step in the system development process. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Chapter 2 Project Management PART ONE ANALYSIS MODELING Chapter 3 Requirements Determination Chapter 4 Business Process and Functional Modeling Chapter 5 Structural Modeling Chapter 6 Behavioral Modeling PART TWO DESIGN MODELING Chapter 7 Moving on to Design Chapter 8 Class and Method Design Chapter 9 Data Management Layer Design Chapter 10 Human–Computer Interaction Layer Design Chapter 11 Physical Architecture Layer Design PART THREE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, AND OPERATIONS Chapter 12 Construction Chapter 13 Installation and Operations
2021-09-09 03:21:45 3.3MB UML Systems Analysis Design
经典有限元编程教材 有限元编程方法 第4版编程源代码 Programming the Finite Element Method
2021-09-08 21:57:33 23.58MB 有限元 编程 Smith FEM
This definitive textbook provides a solid introduction to discrete and continuous stochastic processes, tackling a complex field in a way that instills a deep understanding of the relevant mathematical principles, and develops an intuitive grasp of the way these principles can be applied to ...
2021-09-08 17:00:34 10.09MB 随机过程英文原版 随机过程答案 PDF
2021-09-08 14:54:31 9.07MB 卡尔曼滤波
Software Engineering A Practitioner's Approach eighth edition(美)Roger S.Pressman(软件工程 实践者的研究方法 第8版) 英文版,带目录 超清文字版 非扫描版 完整pdf
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