C++Builder是传统C++开发工具的里程碑,是第三代应用程序开发环境。它既从Borland C++中继承了C++语言的语法,又从Delphi中继承了可视化构件库。可以说C++Builder是快速应用程序开发模式和可重用构件的一个完美的结合,代表着C++语言的未来发展方向。 C++Builder 5.5是Inprise公司(原Borland公司)于2001年最新推出的新一代的面向对象可视化快速编程工具,是继C++Builder 5.0之后的新版本。 C++Builder 5.5继承了前几个版本的优点,不仅含有丰富的组件库,集成了强大的网络支持和实用的数据库功能,而且还对原有版本的功能进行了改进和更新,加强了编译器的功能。总之,使用C++Builder 5.5能够使程序员更轻松地开发出功能更强大的应用程序。
2021-07-27 04:25:06 16.71MB C++BUILDER实战
RAD Studio XE7 目前最新版 (with Update 1) v21.0.17707.5020 官方 ISO 文件下载(5.26GB): http://altd.embarcadero.com/download/radstudio/xe7/delphicbuilder_xe7_upd1_win.iso 和谐文件,win7安装亲测可用!!!!!! 1.点“Generate Serial Number”获得安装序列号 2.安装完成后不要重启电脑,启动C++Builder XE7,XE7会显示“Registration Code”,将Registration Code填入破解工具的“Registration Code”位置,点“Generate Activation File” 3.关闭C++Builder XE7,点"Patch Files"即可。
2021-07-26 22:08:21 1.21MB C++Builder XE7 update1 破解
WordPress 表单生成器插件 - Gutenberg Forms 是下一代 WordPress 表单生成器。 直接在古腾堡编辑器中实时构建表单。 添加和排列表单字段,如块。 描述 WordPress 表单生成器插件 - Gutenberg Forms 现有的表单插件不允许您在 Gutenberg Editor 中构建表单。 他们主要提供定制的表单构建器,这是早期的一个很棒的功能。 但是使用 Gutenberg 编辑器,您应该能够直接在 Gutenberg 编辑器中构建表单。 这就是我们构建的原因。这是下一代WordPress 表单构建器插件。 您可以通过在古腾堡编辑器中将表单字段添加为古腾堡块来轻松构建表单。 您无需离开编辑器即可使用其他拖放表单构建器构建表单。 现在您可以使用 Gutenberg Forms 在 Gutenberg 编辑器中构建您的表单。 Gutenberg
2021-07-24 20:07:29 1.27MB wordpress wordpress-plugin form-builder gutenberg
无畏的建设者 创建并与您的朋友分享 Dauntless 构建! 贡献 想贡献? 伟大的! 首先阅读。 数据文档 新版本即将推出...同时,您可以查看旧文档。 它基本上是一样的,唯一的区别是其中的变量 ),地图的结构/路径略有不同()。 您可以通过以下 URL 访问数据: - 数据 - 元数据,带有哈希值(检查数据是否已更改)、时间戳等。 - 命名映射的 ID 资产 所有 Dauntless 相关资产均为 Phoenix Labs 的财产。 联络我 如果您想与我联系,可以通过以下方式进行: 电子邮件: Discord:Hecate#0001(如果您不在 Dauntless Discord 官方服务器中,您将无法通过 Discord 联系我) Reddit:/u/SirNullptr 请使用进行功能请求、错误报告和这些方面的内容。 执照
2021-07-24 11:03:58 8.9MB game builder share tool
#Master Builder ##Introduction Master Builder 是一个简单的开箱即用的前端模板库,用于构建由 Nino Ross Rodriguez 创建和维护的新网站。 要开始,请跳转到 。 ##浏览器兼容性 Chrome (Windows / Mac 操作系统) 火狐 (Windows / Mac 操作系统) Safari (Mac OS) Internet Explorer 9+ (Windows) ##特征 完全响应式框架(易于管理的列数) 响应式表 能够在移动设备上向左/向右滑动以获得长桌 能够将整个表格“打印”成 PDF 供用户在其移动设备中查看表格,并且非常易于 很棒的移动菜单动画 IE9 占位符回退 动态添加具有background: cover背景图像background: cover属性,无需在 CSS 中进行硬编码 使用 G
2021-07-23 14:03:33 304KB JavaScript
This is Simple City Builder (SCB) Use SCB to create city building games like many popular games on the mobile market, or any kind of new and original city or town building game. version: 2.3 Supported Unity versions: 2019.2.2 or higher
2021-07-21 15:02:34 13.24MB unity
给图片加透明水印,简单实用。用c++ builder编写
2021-07-20 21:06:13 15KB 水印 bcb
官网下载的arcgis 开发版本的webappbuilder增强版 experiencebuilder1.4,无需写代码,仅配置即可完成webgis开发
2021-07-20 18:09:13 15.19MB arcgis javascript webappbuilder exb
Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 300 components in one money and time saving bundle. TMS Component Pack for Delphi & C++Builder includes feature-packed grids, Office 2007 ribbon, Office 2003 style toolbar, planning/scheduling components, advanced edits, toolbars, internet auto application update, Office 2003/2007 style tabs, pager, panel, Outlook navigational controls and much much more... Grid components HTML components Edit controls Planner components Outlook / inspector bar components Web connectivity components Syntax highlighting memo component System components Graphic components Menu components Smooth components Miscellaneous components Full component list List of samples Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 300 components in one money and time saving bundle. TMS Component Pack for Delphi & C++Builder includes feature-packed grids, Office 2007 ribbon, Office 2003 style toolbar, planning/scheduling components, advanced edits, toolbars, internet auto application update, Office 2003/2007 style tabs, pager, panel, Outlook navigational controls and much much more...
2021-07-18 13:38:11 26.29MB delphi TMS Component Pack
需要先安装Patch1。 Patch 2 for RAD Studio 10.4 now available This patch addresses a number of issues in RAD Studio 10.4, pertaining to Delphi Compiler, the RAD Studio IDE in general and the new LSP-based Code Insight in particular, plus C++ Builder Android exceptions and some debugger issues. The installation of this patch requires a prior installation of Patch #1 (separately available on GetIt and in the download portal). Installing this patch is recommended for all RAD Studio 10.4 customers. Note that this patch is fairly large to download (around 190 MB). The patch includes detailed installation instructions as part of the Readme. Please read the steps carefully (or the corresponding steps in this blog post), as the GetIt download does not install the patch automatically. You must follow the instructions in order to install. Just using GetIt is not enough. List of Customer Reported Issues Addressed in 10.4 Patch 2 RAD Studio 10.4 Patch #2 addresses the following issues reported by customer on Embarcadero Quality Portal (https://quality.embarcadero.com): RSP-29628 VCL Grids bug RSP-29560 [REGRESSION] Misalignment in TStringGrid, StretchDraw method in OnDrawCell RSP-29412 Compiler generates incorrect code for if-then RSP-29402 Delphi 10.4 TStringGrid.OnDrawCell bug RSP-29374 Wrong rect coords in TStringGridDrawCell, so image are drawn at wrong position RSP-29347 [DelphiLSP] IDE Crashes when view form as text is selected and running LSP server RSP-29310 Internal error L891 when linking because of complex types based on records with class var RSP-29299 CODEGEN bug in managed fields initialization, associated with new management operators. RSP-29271 [DelphiLSP] Code Insight adds unneeded () when changing procedures/functions RSP-29256 Compiler generates wrong code for template function RSP-29227 Incorrect property value obtained from the record RSP-29226 Access violation with working code under 10.2 RSP-29218 compiling static libr
2021-07-16 15:12:34 181.62MB delphi c++builder 10.4 RadStudio