2021-05-11 09:03:52 149.04MB JDK16
Author:Wallace Wang ISBN-10:1484248643 Year:2019 Pages:648 Language:English File size:23.1 MB Learn how to integrate all the interface elements iOS users have come to know and love, such as buttons, switches, pickers, toolbars, and sliders. In this edition of the best selling book, you’ll also learn about touch gestures, table views, and collection views for displaying data on a user interface. Assuming little or no working knowledge of the Swift programming language, and written in a friendly, easy-to-follow style, this book offers a comprehensive course in iPhone and iPad programming. The book starts with a gentle introduction to using Xcode and then guides you though the creation of your first simple application. You’ll start with designing basic user interfaces and then explore more sophisticated ones that involve multiple screens such as navigation controllers, tab bars, tool bars, page views, and split views that are particularly useful on the larger screens of the iPad and certain iPhone models. And there’s much more! Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 5 covers the basic information you need to get up and running quickly to turn your great ideas into working iOS apps. Once you’re ready, move on to Pro iPhone Development with Swift 5 to learn more of the really unique aspects of iOS programming and the Swift language. What You Will Learn Discover what data persistence is, and why it’s important Build cool, crisp user interfaces Display data in Table Views Work with all the most commonly used iOS Frameworks Who This Book is For Aspiring iOS app developers new to the Apple Swift programming language and/or the iOS SDK.
2021-05-11 00:11:36 23.13MB Swift 5 Beginning iPhone
Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity by Jesse Glover Jonathan Linowes Packt Publishing English 2019-04-17 668 pages Details Title: Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity Author: Jesse Glover, Jonathan Linowes Length: 668 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2019-04-17 ISBN-10: 1838648186 ISBN-13: 9781838648183 Sales Rank: #218169 (See Top 100 Books) Categories Computers & Technology Games & Strategy Guides Programming Programming Languages Description Get close and comfortable with Unity and build applications that run on HoloLens, Daydream, and Oculus Rift Key Features Build fun augmented reality applications using ARKit, ARCore, and Vuforia Explore virtual reality by developing more than 10 engaging projects Learn how to integrate AR and VR concepts together in a single application Book Description Unity is the leading platform to develop mixed reality experiences because it provides a great pipeline for working with 3D assets. Using a practical and project-based approach, this Learning Path educates you about the specifics of AR and VR development using Unity 2018 and Unity 3D. You'll learn to integrate, animate, and overlay 3D objects on your camera feed, before moving on to implement sensor-based AR applications. You'll explore various concepts by creating an AR application using Vuforia for both macOS and Windows for Android and iOS devices. Next, you'll learn how to develop VR applications that can be experienced with devices, such as Oculus and Vive. You'll also explore various tools for VR development: gaze-based versus hand controller input, world space UI canvases, locomotion and teleportation, timeline animation, and multiplayer networking. You'll learn the Unity 3D game engine via the interactive Unity Editor and C# programming. By the end of this Learning Path, you'll be fully equipped to develop rich, interactive mixed reality experiences
2021-05-08 13:52:47 45.89MB AR VR Virtual Reality
2021-05-07 19:01:42 10.75MB adrv90019002
Game Development and Simulation with Unreal Technology explores the use of Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) for the development of real-time digital interactive contents to be used in computerized games or simulations. The engine is considered in three main iterations: from the basic use of the engine to build games and simulation content out of the box, to intermediate design of interactive content by building on the pre-supplied contents from the base engine, and through advanced implementations geared toward a comprehensive understanding of the power of the Unreal Engine. This is one of the first books on developing interactive content for games, entertainment, and simulation to cover the newly released UE4. Industry-level game concepts in level design, coding, and programming, networking, and multiplayer concepts are covered. The book presents beginner- through advanced-level concepts in designing and developing games with the Unreal Engine 4. It includes small/mid-scale projects developed as concept examples throughout the book, which can be used in more comprehensive and entertaining interactive computer simulations and games. The book is organized into three parts. Part 1 covers the basics of the unreal engine, including an overview of each subcomponent of the engine, an overview of the UE4 project templates, and the main features each provides. Part 2 delves into more advanced topics in the new UE4 material pipeline, including layered materials and different shading models. Part 3 walks you through the steps of building your own games with UE4. It also provides advanced coverage of Blueprint systems in UE4. Each chapter includes do-it-yourself extensions to the concept modules presented to solidify your understanding of the concepts and techniques. Exercises and summaries are also included at the end of each chapter to help take your understanding of Unreal Engine 4 to the next level. Table of Contents SECTION I Unreal Technology Basics: Introductory Development T
2021-05-07 10:12:51 7.89MB Unreal Game Development
在Alan Hou翻译的这本书基础上,进行了修改和增强。一书在手,Odoo我有。 本人花了不少的时间在此书的编撰上,希望会对Odoo在国内的发展有所助力。 非常感谢Alan Hou!!!
2021-05-04 09:01:34 9.37MB Odoo
2021-05-03 14:03:40 160.51MB JDK14
迷宫赛跑者 一个简单的无限跑步游戏
2021-05-02 22:03:21 151KB android game-development maze game-2d
CS-478 ---用于移动平台的软件开发-Android- 项目1 (活动,意图,GUI,用户输入和交互) 创建一个简单的项目来了解激活性,意图和用户与应用程序的交互。 该应用程序有两个活动。 单击第一个活动上的按钮后,会将用户带到第二个活动。 在第二个活动中,要求用户输入名称,然后单击按钮,将带用户到手机的默认联系人应用程序以输入更多联系人详细信息。 读取通讯录应用程序的结果,并在屏幕上显示适当的消息。 项目二 (GeidView,自定义适配器(适配器设计模式),ListView,WebView,上下文菜单) 应用程序中的主要活动显示一个网格。 每个网格单元格都在汽车制造商名称的上方包含汽车的缩略图。 每个网格单元格都支持两种功能,具体取决于应用程序查看器在单元格上执行的是短单击还是长按。 短按会带来一个新活动,该活动将在整个设备显示屏上显示所选汽车的整个图片。 用户可以通过选择电
2021-05-02 22:03:07 4.44MB Java
CCIE Professional Development:Routing TCP/IP Volume 1 and Volume 2http://www.routerchief.com/images/1578700418.jpghttp://images.amazon.com/images/P/1578700892.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg  CCIE Professional Development:Routing TCP/IP Volume 1  Author: Jeff Doyle  Publisher: Cisco Press; 1st edition (July 1, 1998)  Amazon Reviews: Amazon.com  Book Info: 本书是第一本详细而又完整地介绍互联网络内部网关路由选择协议(IGRP)的专业书籍,堪称有关IGRP方面不可多得的经典之作.本书共分三个部分.第一部分主要介绍了网络和路由选择的基本知识,对TCP/IP和静态,动态路由选择技术作了一个整体的回顾.第二部分是本书的精华,这一部分详细深入地讲述了各种常用的内部网关路由选择协议,如静态路由,RIP,RIPv2,IGRP,EIGRP,OSPF,ISIS等,每一章除了对该协议的实现机制和参数详尽阐述,使读者对协议的实现原理有一个清晰的理解外,还通过在实际网络环境中的实例,详细地论述了该协议在Cisco路由器上的配置和故障处理方法,使读者获取大量解决实际问题的专业技能.第三部分介绍了如缺省路由,路由过滤等多种有效的路由控制工具,用来创建和管理多个IP路由选择协议的协调工作.本书不仅适合那些需要准备通过CCIE考试的考生,而且也适合任何需要完整理解TCP/IP内部路由选择协议的网络设计和工程人员阅读.本书中对协议细节的讲解和对网络实例的探讨相信会让读者获益匪浅.  CCIE Professional Development Routing TCP/IP Volume 2  Author: Jeff Doyle, Jennifer DeHaven Carroll  Publisher: Cisco Press; 1st edition (April 11, 2001)  Amazon Reviews: Amazon.com  Book Info: 本书深入系统地阐述了TCP/IP路由技术,内容包括几种重要的网络协议,如外部网关协议(EGP),边界网关协议(BGP4),以及相应的高级IP路由技术与应用――网络地址转换,IP组播路由技术,IPv6技术,路由器管理等.本书共分9个章节,首先介绍并讨论了主题内容的基本原理,接着是设计用来展示真实网络环境中相关概念的一系列配置范例,最后提供给读者经实践验证过的故障排除方法以解决网络可能会出现的问题.重点介绍了自治系统之间的路由选择策略以及诸如组播和IPv6等更具挑战性的路由选择和实施技术.http://www.verycd.com/topics/24717/
2021-05-02 11:11:44 17.37MB TCP