2021-04-13 22:01:54 1.13MB Slicing-Architec
O-RAN Spec
2021-04-13 17:01:59 3.78MB O-RAN.WG1.OAM
Game Engine Architecture, Third Edition-游戏引擎架构(第三版).epub 3rd Edition Jason Gregory A K Peters/CRC Press Published August 17, 2018 Reference - 1240 Pages - 128 Color & 352 B/W Illustrations ISBN 9781138035454 - CAT# K31720 Description: Summary In this new and improved third edition of the highly popular Game Engine Architecture, Jason Gregory draws on his nearly two decades of experience at Midway, Electronic Arts and Naughty Dog to present both the theory and practice of game engine software development. In this book, the broad range of technologies and techniques used by AAA game studios are each explained in detail, and their roles within a real industrial-strength game engine are illustrated. New to the Third Edition This third edition offers the same comprehensive coverage of game engine architecture provided by previous editions, along with updated coverage of: computer and CPU hardware and memory caches, compiler optimizations, C++ language standardization, the IEEE-754 floating-point representation, 2D user interfaces, plus an entirely new chapter on hardware parallelism and concurrent programming. This book is intended to serve as an introductory text, but it also offers the experienced game programmer a useful perspective on aspects of game development technology with which they may not have deep experience. As always, copious references and citations are provided in this edition, making it an excellent jumping off point for those who wish to dig deeper into any particular aspect of the game development process. Key Features Covers both the theory and practice of game engine software development Examples are grounded in specific technologies, but discussion extends beyond any particular engine or API. Includes all mathematical background needed. Comprehensive text for beginners and also has content for senior engineers. Table of Contents Getting Started. Getting the Target Ready. Using the Target. Are we there yet? Putting it all Together. Fi
2021-04-12 20:07:20 26.53MB Game Engine Architecture 引擎
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DLX Instruction Set Architecture
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Enterprise Architect 是一个完全的UML 分析和设计工具,它能完成从需求收集经步骤分析、模型 设计到测试和维护的整个软件开发过程。它基于多用户Windows 平台的图形工具可以帮助您设计健全可 维护的软件。除此,它还包含特性灵活的高品质文档输出。用户指南可以在线获取。
2021-04-08 20:59:20 733KB Enterprise architecture
Golang架构 遵循课程的结果 其他资源 安装 托多斯 写更多待办事项
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“Digital Design and Computer Architecture”详细描述了数字电路原理和计算机架构原理,是一本非常经典的教材。
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