2019-12-21 20:08:31 36KB USB3.0 封装库
Cypress CYUSB3014 USB3.0 转换新品,自带ARM核,是所有USB3.0 设计开发的经典电路,值得一看。
2019-12-21 20:08:00 906KB USB3.0
非常完整的USB3.1/USB3.0/USB2.0接口解决方案,PCIe 3.0转USB3.1
2019-12-21 20:04:20 649KB ASM3142 USB3.1
win 7安装盘USB 3.0驱动, intel usb 3.0驱动,win 7 安装ISO是不支持usb 3.0
2019-12-21 20:02:53 1.64MB win 7 usb 3.0
USB3.0母座封装库(包含USB2.0)+3.0直插式母座); DXP、AD可打开
2019-12-21 19:58:17 29KB USB3.0 母座 封装库
1.The USB 3.0 Specification released on November 12, 2008 2.USB 3.0 Adopters Agreement 3.New Addition of Link Command LDN Engineering Change Notice as of April 4, 2009 4.USB 3.0 Standard-B and Standard-B Crosstalk Engineering Change Notice as of April 4, 2009 5.Reset Propagation Engineering Change Notice as of May 8, 2009 6.Reset Propagation Figure 7.Q1 09 USB 3.0 Errata as of May 15, 2009 8.Clarification on the Chamfer on USB 3.0 Micro Connectors ECN as of March 23, 2010 9.Maximum Unmating Force Value Definition to USB 3.0 Micro Connectors ECN as of March 23, 2010 10.State Machines Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010 11.Efficient ISO and PINGs Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010 12.Contact Plating Thickness Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010 13.Standard-B Connector Near End Crosstalk Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010 14.USB 3.0 Errata as of June 9, 2010
2019-12-21 19:55:58 3.96MB USB3.0 协议 标准
USB3.0 千兆网卡,RTL8153的datasheet
2019-12-21 19:52:45 588KB USB3.0 千兆网卡
支持到10.14.1 mac majave系统,usbinjectall-20181108
2019-12-21 19:50:41 41KB usbinjectall usb驱动 usb usb3.0
2019-12-21 19:49:59 25.56MB USB3.0 编程宝典
USB3.0发送与接收数据c++版本,用于USB3.0传输。使用方法: 1.点击按钮-打开USB设备,会显示USB信息 2.点击按钮-选择固件IMG,在文件夹pub中选中固件下载 3.点击按钮-打开USB设备,此时可以看见USB设备变为USB3.0即可 4.点击按钮-发送数据,发送的数据为按钮前编辑框中填写的数据 5.接收数据在文件夹testpic中
2019-12-21 19:45:21 35.4MB USB3.0传输