2022-06-27 09:04:21 5.57MB 文档资料
2022-06-26 17:53:35 2.04MB 汇编语言 王爽 ppt课件
2022-06-23 17:07:13 4.2MB 文档资料
2022-06-23 11:03:52 8.28MB 配套教学资源包
2022-06-23 11:03:47 14.41MB 配套教学资源包
1. Introduction.pdf 2. Entropy and Mutual Information.pdf 3. fundamental information quantities.pdf 4. Error Correcting.pdf 5. Lossy Source Coding.pdf 6. Huffman Coding.pdf 7. Inference.pdf 8. Model Comparison and Simulation.pptx 9. Metropolis Algorithm.pdf exercise 2.pptx exercise 3.pptx Maximum entropy.pdf 考试复习笔记.pdf
2022-06-22 09:09:13 9MB 信息论 全套PPT课件 复习笔记
CS385 机器学习-全套 PPT 课件-作业 lec0-intro.pdf lec1-linear models.pdf lec2-Bayes classifiers.pdf lec3-SVM.pdf lec4-CLT.pdf lec5-model selection.pdf lec6-Neural Network.pdf lec7-Clustering.pdf lec8-Feature Reduction.pdf lec9-EM.pdf lec10-HMM.pdf lec11-GM.pdf 作业1.pdf 作业2.pdf 作业3.pdf 作业4.pdf 作业5.pdf
2022-06-22 09:09:12 45.07MB 上海交大 机器学习 课件 笔记
EI331 信号与系统-Signals and Systems-全套 PPT 课件 ch1-Introduction.ppt ch2-LTI Systems.ppt Ch3-Fourier Series.ppt Ch4-CT Fourier Transform.ppt Ch5-DT Fourier Transform.ppt Ch6-Laplace Transform.ppt Ch7-z Transform.ppt Tutorial.ppt
2022-06-22 09:09:12 24.12MB 上海交大 课件 信号处理
1-Introduction.ppt 2-Intell-Agents.ppt 3-uninformedSearch.ppt 4-Informed Search and Exploration.key 4-Informed Search and Exploration.ppt 5-BeyondClassicalSearch.key 5-BeyondClassicalSearch.ppt 6-Adversarial Search.key 6-Adversarial Search.ppt 7-Constraint Satisfaction Problems.ppt 7-Logical Agents.ppt 8-First-Order Logic.ppt 9-Inference in first-order logic.key 9-Inference in first-order logic.ppt 10-Knowledge Representation.ppt 13-uncertainty.ppt 14-Probabilistic Reasoning.ppt 15-Probabilistic
2022-06-22 09:09:11 45.26MB 上海交大 课件 PPT
EI333 软件工程-全套 PPT 课件 0. Course Introduction .pptx 1. Introduction to SE.pptx 2. Modeling with UML.pptx 3. Project Organization and ManagementV2.pptx 4. Requirements Elicitation .pptx 5. Analysis .pptx 6. System Design-Decomposing the System.pptx 7.System Design-Addressing Design Goals.pptx 8. Object Design-Reusing Pattern Solutions.pptx 9. Object Design-Specifying Interfaces.pptx 10.Mapping Models to Code.pptx 11.Testing(S).pptx 词汇表.docx 风险列表.xls 交付清单_en.docx 可行性研究报告 - Copy.doc 可行性研究报告.doc 。。。
2022-06-22 09:03:50 22.52MB 上海交大 软件工程 课件