Gilbert Strang的经典书籍 Because a hamster insisted on it.He told me to.For the love from him.Because some terrified mathematician knew it was a good idea.Some terrified and not very rich and not very tall good and rich engineer insisted on it.Can you rephrase that?Because they wanted it.Because they helped her.For the approval from Pete.Penny knew it was a good idea.She wanted it.For the love from a engineer.The customer is always right.Mara obeyed some not very tall programmer.For the love from Pete.A not excessively young engineer asked some terrified and not very good and good and young and tall and terrified and terrified and not excessively tall and rich bald hamster.The hamster wanted it that way.For the love of Penny.Why not?The system manager obeyed some system manager.It should be obvious.A very young not excessively rich system manager insisted on it.A very smart and not very young terrified system manager knew it was a good idea.They wanted it that way.How should I know?You wanted it.The bald very terrified mathematician insisted on it.They told me to.He insisted on it.Nausheen knew it was a good idea.To satisfy me.The bald bald good kid insisted on it.Because some very young mathematician obeyed a good hamster.To satisfy a smart tall and young and tall and good and very terrified and not very good and not very terrified and smart and good and not very rich and not excessively rich and rich system manager.A good and not excessively young terrified not very rich mathematician told me to.Because a young and terrified and good smart hamster wanted it.He wanted it that way.Nausheen told me to.Because you told me to.Some not excessively young and tall and bald and young engineer told a not very smart and smart system manager.In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...Can you rephrase that?She wanted it that way.Joe wanted it.A smart system manager wanted it.Some smart and terrified and smart and terrified hamster knew it was a good idea.A system man
2021-03-19 21:20:42 13.29MB matlab Linear Algebra
幻想足球线性程序 创建一个线性程序,以创建最佳的梦幻足球阵容。 数据: fantasy_football_data.csv 特点:姓名,职位,团队,预计积分,价格 参数 最高预算200 名册上有15名球员 名册上有1个QB,3个WR,2个RB,1个TE,1K,1个DEF,6个替补 一个插槽只能由该类型的玩家占用 长凳插槽可以是玩家类型 名单上的一名球员只能分配到一个位置 名册上最多2个QB和2个TE 名册上最多1K和1DEF 替补席上的球员只会产生他们的项目点数的1/2 ^ d d是他们位置的深度 例如:您的团队中的RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4的投影点为P1,P2,P3,P4 这些玩家的精确分数为P1 + P2 + 1/2 * P2 + 1/4 * P3 问题 在预算范围内,您会选择谁来最大化积分? 您的团队希望获得多少积分? 您花了多少预算? 艾米丽·达斯卡斯(Emily
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程序基本上都是《MATLAB Simulink与控制系统仿真—王正林》的内容,但是我很多都改进了,或者按照我的理解改动了。书上也有不少错误的地方,如果想进一步的探讨,可以和我联系
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Linear systems T. Kailath,线性系统理论,本以为很懂线性系统,但看过这本书之后才发现不懂的还有很多。
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线性代数及其应用Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4th-Gilbert Strang, 中文+英文 高清+书签
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Gilbert Strang的线性代数。经典巨作
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