2021-05-28 18:01:51 169KB bi 数字化运营 数据可视化
Greenplum DW/BI软件可以在虚拟化x86服务器上运行无分享(shared-nothing)的大规模并行处理(MPP)架构,大数据工程师必备技能
2021-05-27 21:01:10 146.98MB dw bi
2021-05-27 15:14:55 433KB fr
主要需求: 1.将流水账般的记录按工作任务进行归类排序; 2.提供按照时间段和关键字进行任意搜索。 关键技术: 1.本系统采用EXCEL作为展现前端(VBA开发),SQL视图作为中间业务处理层(筛选、分组、排序),ACCESS数据库作为后台,仿照BI(BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE)商务智能的数据挖掘和数据钻取原理进行开发。 2.报表展现和录入、修改和删除集成在同一页面中。该统前端EXCEL不仅展现报表数据,同时允许记录的新增、修改、删除。 3.报表多维查询和钻取功能。支持数据按照“任务-任务进度”的粒度进行钻取,允许按照“关键字”和“时间段”两个维度进行查询。
2021-05-27 13:44:39 4.72MB BI 数据钻取 工作任务管理 access数据库
2021-05-26 19:01:56 850B excel power Tableau
1、数据仓库概念及由来:基本概念、产生背景 2、数据仓库搭建:数据整合、数据建模、数据管控 3. Oracle数据仓库产品介绍
2021-05-25 13:01:49 1.68MB 数据仓库
最新版: Understanding your company’s data has never been easier than with Microsoft’s new Power BI package for Excel Consisting of four powerful tools—Power Pivot, Power View, Power Query and Power Maps—Power BI makes self-service business intelligence a reality for a wide range of users, bridging the traditional gap between Excel users, business analysts and IT experts and making it easier for everyone to work together to build the data models that can give you game-changing insights into your business. Beginning Power BI with Excel 2013 guides you step by step through the process of analyzing and visualizing your data. Daniel R. Clark, an expert in BI training and a regular speaker on these topics, takes you through each tool in turn, using hands-on activities to consolidate what you’ve learned in each chapter. Starting with Power Pivot, you will create robust scalable data models which will serve as the foundation of your data analysis. Once you have mastered creating suitable data models, you will use them to build compelling interactive visualizations in Power View. It’s often necessary to combine data from disparate sources into a data model. Power Query allows you to easily discover, combine, and refine data from a variety of sources, so you can make accurate judgments with all the available information. Geographical awareness is another common requirement of data analysis. Using Power Maps you will create captivating visualizations that map your data in space and time.
2021-05-22 23:47:16 26.62MB Excel PowerBI
MicroStrategy 官方报表制作文档,清晰文字版。包括基础的应用与联机分析的各种经典报表形式,也有高级的应用与数据挖掘和商务智能的高级报表制作,结合了经典的数据挖掘算法。
2021-05-21 11:10:19 11.7MB BI
2021-05-21 11:01:23 815KB 开源BI领袖-SpagoBI5.
2021-05-19 09:03:25 784KB FANUC-BI系列伺服放大器的