Your hands-on guide to Visual C# fundamentals Expand your expertise—and teach yourself the fundamentals of Microsoft Visual C# 2013. If you have previous programming experience but are new to Visual C# 2013, this tutorial delivers the step-by-step guidance and coding exercises you need to master core topics and techniques. Discover how to: Create and debug C# applications in Visual Studio 2013 Work with variables, identifiers, statements, operators, and methods Create interfaces and define abstract classes Write robust code that can catch and handle exceptions Display and edit data using data binding with Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework Respond to user input and touchscreen gestures Handle events arising from multiple sources Develop your first Windows 8.1 apps
2019-12-21 20:05:38 16.26MB Microsoft Visual C# 2013
安装scapy时用到的东西,解决(Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools":
2019-12-21 20:00:07 2.81MB Microsoft Vi vc14
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Uninstall Utility
2019-12-21 19:56:38 621KB Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
VC++ Runtime 2015-2019一体包,微软最新版, 多版本打包到一个包里,不同于之前的独立各个版本,这里是共享的;官方解释 Note Visual C++ 2015, 2017 and 2019 all share the same redistributable files. For example, installing the Visual C++ 2019 redistributable will affect programs built with Visual C++ 2015 and 2017 also. However, installing the Visual C++ 2015 redistributable will not replace the newer versions of the files installed by the Visual C++ 2017 and 2019 redistributables. This is different from all previous Visual C++ versions, as they each had their own distinct runtime files, not shared with other versions.
2019-12-21 19:55:48 31.05MB vcruntime vc vc2015 vc2017
2019-12-21 19:53:53 1.68MB vcredist_x86
Visual C++Redistributable 2015 这个组件是运行Visual Studio 2015所建立的C++应用的必要组件,安装一次即可解决在安装程序时缺少组件 dll 的环境问题,那么下载安装程序,这两个程序都安装一遍重启电脑即可解决。
2019-12-21 19:51:51 26.62MB Microsoft Visual Visual C++
安装2012的时候假如出现这个错误:需要更新的以前的visual studio 2010实例。 那么安装一下Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1(exe)这个就好了。
2019-12-21 19:51:50 752KB Microsoft Vi
Microstation Edition Update3 安装的时候出现错误提示 ‘无法复制Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications7.1(x64)的有效载荷’,需要将以上文件放到Microstation Edition Update3安装文件同目录
2019-12-21 19:47:07 38.75MB MCE VBA7.1
可以卸载如下版本,微软官方工具 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Premium Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Isolated) Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Integrated) Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SDK Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Team Explorer Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Microsoft Visual Studio Test Agent 2010 Microsoft Visual Studio Test Controller 2010 Microsoft Visual Studio Lab Agent 2010 Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2010
2019-12-21 19:46:32 621KB uninstall vs2010 卸载
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable x64/x86安装包下载地址 Visual C++ Redistributable Package 安装 Visual C++ 库的运行时组件。这些组件是运行使用 Visual Studio 2015 开发的 C++ 应用程序所必需的,并与 Visual C+ 库动态链接。这些包可用于在计算机上运行此类应用程序,即使没有安装 Visual Studio 2015。这些包安装以下库的运行时组件:C 运行时 (CRT)、标准 C++、MFC、C++ AMP 和 OpenMP。
2019-12-21 19:46:29 26.62MB Microsoft Vi x64/x86