The First Practical, Hands-On Guide to Embedded System Programming for Android Today, embedded systems programming is a more valuable discipline than ever, driven by fast-growing, new fields such as wearable technology and the Internet of Things. In this concise guide, Roger Ye teaches all the skills you’ll need to write the efficient embedded code necessary to make tomorrow’s Android devices work. The first title in Addison-Wesley’s new Android™ Deep Dive series for intermediate and expert Android developers, Embedded Programming with Android™ draws on Roger Ye’s extensive experience with advanced projects in telecommunications and mobile devices. Step by step, he guides you through building a system with all the key components Android hardware developers must deliver to manufacturing. By the time you’re done, you’ll have the key programming, compiler, and debugging skills you’ll need for real-world projects. First, Ye introduces the essentials of bare-metal programming: creating assembly language code that runs directly on hardware. Then, building on this knowledge, he shows how to use C to create hardware interfaces for booting a Linux kernel with the popular U-Boot bootloader. Finally, he walks you through using filesystem images to boot Android and learning to build customized ROMs to support any new Android device. Throughout, Ye provides extensive downloadable code you can run, explore, and adapt. You will Build a complete virtualized environment for embedded development Understand the workflow of a modern embedded systems project Develop assembly programs, create binary images, and load and run them in the Android emulator Learn what it takes to bring up a bootloader and operating system Move from assembler to C, and explore Android’s goldfish hardware interfaces Program serial ports, interrupt controllers, real time clocks, and NAND flash controllers Integrate C runtime libraries Support exception handling and timing Use U-Boot to boot the
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A hands-on introduction to the field of embedded systems; A focus on fast prototyping of embedded systems; All key embedded system concepts covered through simple and effective experimentation; An understanding of ARM technology, one of the world's leaders; A practical introduction to embedded C; Applies possibly the most accessible set of tools available in the embedded world.
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本书中的技术和范例代码均可直接应用于各种实际的嵌入式系统项目。有过嵌入式系统开发经验的读者,也将从中获益匪浅。    本书内容包括:    快速有效的测试存储器芯片    如何写入和擦除快闪存储器    用循环冗余校验码验证非易失性存储器数据    与芯片的内部外设和外部外设接口    设计和实现设备驱动    优化嵌入式软件    最大限度高性能的应用C++特性    本书适用于嵌入式系统程序员、设计师和项目管理人员 *************************************************************** 请注意: 下载完,评论的同时,请点击评论框上方的五角星(共5个五角星),这样你的被扣的积分就可以返还了。 如果只评论,不点击小五角星,积分不会返还。 一定要先下载完,再评论。如果先评论后下载,或者在下载的过程中评论,积分同样不会返还。 *************************************************************** 更多linux、ARM和C语言资源请参考:
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(法)洛萨诺(Rogelio Lozano) 著.本书介绍了获取无人机动力学模型的基本工具(利用牛顿或者拉格朗日手法)。应用于迷你直升机、四轴飞行器、迷你飞艇、扑翼飞行器、飞机等飞行器的多种控制定律,本书有两个章节专门介绍嵌入式系统和卡尔曼滤波器在无人机控制和导航方面的应用。本书还介绍了无人机领域现有的工艺水平。
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