Enterprise Application Architecture with .NET Core by Ganesan Senthilvel English | 25 Apr. 2017 | ASIN: B01M18CQNP | 564 Pages | AZW3 | 9.94 MB Architect and design highly scalable, robust, clean and highly performant applications in .NET Core 1.0 About This Book Incorporate architectural soft-skills such as DevOps and Agile methodologies to enhance program-level objectives Gain knowledge of architectural approaches on the likes of SOA architecture and microservices to provide traceability and rationale for architectural decisions Explore a variety of practical use cases and code examples to implement the tools and techniques described in the book Who This Book Is For This book is for experienced .NET developers who are aspiring to become architects of enterprise-grade applications, as well as software architects who would like to leverage .NET to create effective blueprints of applications. What You Will Learn Grasp the important aspects and best practices of application lifecycle management Leverage the popular ALM tools, application insights, and their usage to monitor performance, testability, and optimization tools in an enterprise Explore various authentication models such as social media-based authentication, 2FA and OpenID Connect, learn authorization techniques Explore Azure with various solution approaches for Microservices and Serverless architecture along with Docker containers Gain knowledge about the recent market trends and practices and how they can be achieved with .NET Core and Microsoft tools and technologies In Detail If you want to design and develop enterprise applications using .NET Core as the development framework and learn about industry-wide best practices and guidelines, then this book is for you. The book starts with a brief introduction to enterprise architecture, which will help you to understand what enterprise architecture is and what the key components are. It will then teach you about the types of patterns and the princip
2021-07-30 15:47:59 9.94MB Architecture .NET Core
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