The textbook for STAT343 in Dept. of Statistics in the University of Chicago.
2019-12-21 21:57:43 5.76MB Julian J. Faraway
2019-12-21 21:56:29 10.68MB Probabilistic Graphical Models 图模型
Applied Linear Statistical Models By Kutner & Nachtsheim & Neter,哥伦比亚大学线性回归课程规定的教材,堪称经典,难度和深度兼具,想要了解线性回归模型朋友自取
2019-12-21 21:51:17 104.51MB 回归分析
The original purpose of the book was to present a unified theoretical and conceptual framework for statistical modelling in a way that was accessible to undergraduate students and researchers in other fields. The second edition was expanded to include nominal and ordinal logistic regression, survival analysis and analysis of longitudinal and clustered data. It relied more on numerical methods, visualizing numerical optimization and graphical methods for exploratory data analysis and checking model fit. The third edition added three chapters on Bayesian analysis for general- ized linear models. To help with the practical application of generalized linear models, Stata, R and WinBUGS code were added. This fourth edition includes new sections on the common problems of model selection and non-linear associations. Non-linear associations have a long history in statistics as the first application of the least squares method was when Gauss correctly predicted the non-linear orbit of an asteroid in 1801. Statistical methods are essential for many fields of research, but a widespread lack of knowledge of their correct application is creating inaccu- rate results. Untrustworthy results undermine the scientific process of using data to make inferences and inform decisions. There are established practices for creating reproducible results which are covered in a new Postface to this edition.
2019-12-21 21:47:34 3.88MB Generalized R Programmin
SUMS59 Probability Models, John Haigh (2013).zip SUMS59 Probability Models, John Haigh (2013).zip
2019-12-21 21:45:07 1.85MB math
网盘下载,整理很幸苦,从6.0到最新的10.7-SE各个版本 值得收藏 附带破解视频 还有视频资料 以及各版本安装说明
2019-12-21 21:42:17 684B FPGA CPLD NIOS Models
本书的目的是为解决由科学,工程和数学金融领域的随机微分方程模型提出的问题提供有益的理解。 通常,这些问题需要使用数值方法来获得解决方案。
2019-12-21 21:38:59 2.15MB 数学
Spiking Neuron Models:Neurons in the brain communicate by short electrical pulses, the so-called action potentials or spikes. How can we understand the process of spike generation? How can we understand information transmission by neurons? What happens if thousands of neurons are coupled together in a seemingly random network? How does the network connectivity determine the activity patterns? And, vice versa, how does the spike activity influence the connectivity pattern? These questions are addressed in this introductory text aimed at those taking courses in computational neuroscience, theoretical biology, neuronal modeling, biophysics, or neural networks. The authors focus on phenomenological approaches so that beginners can get to grips with the theoretical concepts before confronting the wealth of detail in biological systems. The book is in three Parts dealing, in order, with neurons and connections, collective behavior in networks, and synaptic plasticity and its role in learning, memory, and development. Each chapter ends with a literature survey, and a comprehensive bibliography is included. As such the book will also introduce readers to current research.
2019-12-21 21:34:56 4.93MB Spiking Neuron Models
2019-12-21 21:34:17 387KB IGBT
2019-12-21 21:32:18 140B faster_rcnn_ VGG16_faster ZF_faster_rc