Y.T.Chan在其论文中提出一种具有解析表达式解的非递归双曲线方程组解法,该算法具有计算量小,速度快,且当TDOA参数估计误差服从高斯分布的情况下,定位精度较高。 本程序借鉴Chan论文中提出的算法,基于MATLAB程序,在已知TDOA估计参数的情况下,对信号源位置进行估计。 希望能够对研究 干扰源定位、无源定位的同志提供帮助。(YTChan in his paper presents a solution with the analytical expression for the non-recursive solution of hyperbolic equations, the algorithm has calculated the amount of small, fast, and when the TDOA estimation error of Gaussian distribution in the case, positioning accuracy than high. The papers presented in the program learn fro