视频库管理系统原型 具有数据非规范化、使用 Redis 的 SQL 缓存、使用算法缓存多达 20 个 SQL 请求的连接池等功能的原型。
2021-07-01 13:04:07 6.76MB JavaScript
2021-06-30 19:02:06 66.81MB 股票量化 多因子选股
Why have we written this book? In recent decades the field of financial risk management has developed rapidly in response to both the increasing complexity of financial instruments and markets and the increasing regulation of the financial services industry. This book is devoted specifically to quantitative modelling issues arising in this field. As a result of our own discussions and joint projects with industry professionals and regulators over a number of years, we felt there was a need for a textbook treatment of quantitative risk management (QRM) at a technical yet accessible level, aimed at both industry participants and students seeking an entrance to the area.
2021-06-29 20:55:40 8.59MB risk managem
Quantitative Risk Management Concepts, Techniques and Tools
2021-06-29 20:47:53 6.66MB Risk Management
ti Battery Management case introduction
2021-06-26 22:03:51 3.89MB ti bms
学生成绩信息管理系统涉及到学生、教师、系统管理员、班级、学生成绩、课程。 管理员通过账号、密码登录,管理员进入系统可以对课程,系部,教师,学生,专业进行添加、查看。 教师通过教工号和密码登录,教师进入系统可以查看自己教的所有课程,以及对选该课程的学生成绩进行修改。 学生通过学号和密码进行登录,学生进入系统可以查看自己学习课程的信息以及成绩。
2021-06-25 18:04:07 29.37MB maven vue springmvc javaweb
HP StoreVirtual CMC 惠普存储管理软件,通用版 见网上没有相关资源,且官网需要科学上网注册账号,特补充上传
2021-06-23 16:00:26 100.66MB HP存储 HPStoreVirtual 存储管理
VITA规范,版本VITA 46.11 System Management on VPX,
2021-06-23 15:54:15 2.23MB VITA规范
09年新书,很好的知无线电 网络中的频谱接入和管理,下面是IEEE的书评: The book is divided into three parts. Part one is a general introduction to wire- less communication systems, reviewing communication architectures and tech- nologies, as well as resource allocation protocols and dynamic spectrum access, discussing features, research challenges, and standardization. Part two is a further discussion on wireless system design with a focus on analysis of dynamic spectrum access systems. A brief introduction to signal processing and optimization tech- niques is presented, as well as basics of game theory and intelligent algorithms (e.g., machine learning, genetic algo- rithms, and fuzzy logic). Finally, part three discusses in detail dynamic spec- trum access and management. Models and architectures of dynamic spectrum access are introduced and described in detail. The authors first present the cen- tralized dynamic spectrum access model, and later focus on the distributed approach. Distributed dynamic spectrum access is discussed from the algorithmic and protocol perspectives in separate chapters. Finally, a spectrum trading model is presented with its applications to wireless communications. This book is a valuable source of information for people new to the con- cept of dynamic spectrum access. Also, scientists and engineers already involved in dynamic spectrum access research will find this book a good reference source. This is one of the few books on the mar- ket related to dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio written completely by the authors themselves. Therefore, it is very cohesive, has a very good flow, and does not repeat itself while intro- ducing new concepts, as do many edited books on a similar topic available on the market. Many concepts of dynamic spec- trum access are well systematized in the book, and the literature review is very broad and complete. One small draw- back is a bit too lengthy introduction to wireless communication systems in part two of the book (which can e
2021-06-23 09:51:16 3.07MB 感知无线电 Dynamic Spectrum Access
ISO31000-2009 & ISO GUIDE 73-2009
2021-06-23 09:45:28 531KB Risk Management