Title: Automotive Engineering: Powertrain, Chassis System and Vehicle Body Author(s): David Crolla Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Year: 2009 Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 835\835 ISBN: 9781856175777, 1856175774 A one-stop Desk Reference, for engineers involved in vehicle design and development; this is a book that will not gather dust on the shelf. It brings together the essential professional reference content from leading international contributors in the field. Material ranges from basic to advanced topics from engines and transmissions to vehicle dynamics and modelling. * A hard-working Desk Reference, providing all the essential material needed by Automotive Engineers on a day-to-day basis. * Fundamentals, key techniques, engineering best practice and rules-of-thumb together in one quick-reference sourcebook. * Definitive content by the leading authors in the field.
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半导体工程的历史 History of Semiconductor Engineering Prologue 1 1 Research Organization: Bell Telephone Laboratories 11 2 Grown Junction and Diffused Transistors 41 3 Shockley Semiconductor Laboratories 67 4 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation – Subsidiary of Fairchild Camera and Instrument Company 103 5 Driving the Company Out of Business 155 6 Integrated Circuits outside Fairchild Semiconductor 175 7 Linear Integrated Circuits: Pre-Widlar Era Prior to 1963 229 8 Robert J. Widlar – The Genius, The Legend, The Bohemian 247 9 National Semiconductor – A New Type of Semiconductor Company 291 10 The MOS Transistor 317
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