Unleash PropertyGrid with Dynamic Properties and Globalization演示代码及demo PropertyGrid 属性 动态 控制
2020-01-16 03:15:57 103KB PropertyGrid 属性 动态
“Introduction to Stochastic Dynamic Programming”介绍了 随机动态规划的理论、应用、方法论等一系列。本书由学术泰斗 Sheldon Ross 编写,是学习 随机动态规划的极佳教材。 另外,本书的扫描质量很高,已经经过 OCR, 支持文本搜索
2020-01-16 03:05:31 12.99MB DP 随机动态规划 动态规划 stochastic
一款自定义的WF流程设计器: 1. 支持自定义流程设计 2. 直接导出XAML 3. 方便扩展,保存XAML到数据库或文件
2020-01-14 03:12:58 5.83MB Workflow Designer 工作流 设计器
2020-01-04 03:14:57 309KB Dynamic DataDisplay dll wpf
动态系统反馈控制 作者Franklin Powell 第六版 制作非常精美的PDF
2020-01-03 11:33:26 6.45MB 控制理论 英文教材
Matlab files to create the figures in Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 7th Edition
2020-01-03 11:32:10 131KB MATLAB Feedback Con Dynamic
Recent interest in biological games and mathematical finance make this classic 1982 text a necessity once again. Unlike other books in the field, this text provides an overview of the analysis of dynamic/differential zero-sum and nonzero-sum games and simultaneously stresses the role of different information patterns. The first edition was fully revised in 1995, adding new topics such as randomized strategies, finite games with integrated decisions, and refinements of Nash equilibrium. Readers can now look forward to even more recent results in this unabridged, revised SIAM Classics edition. Topics covered include static and dynamic noncooperative game theory, with an emphasis on the interplay between dynamic information patterns and structural properties of several different types of equilibria; Nash and Stackelberg solution concepts; multi-act games; Braess paradox; differential games; the relationship between the existence of solutions of Riccati equations and the existence of Nash equilibrium solutions; and infinite-horizon differential games.
2020-01-03 11:22:26 26.74MB Game theory
Dynamic C 中文手册 在rabbit芯片如何编程 详细的介绍,以及其中库函数的描述说明,用法
2019-12-21 22:24:44 1.29MB dynamic rabbit
Dynamic C®集成开发环境减少了使用Rabbit®微处理器进行嵌入式系统实时软件开发的工作量和所需时间,可以方便的实现一系列应用开发。 Rabbit 将编辑器、编译器、链接器、装载器和调试器集成到一体化的单一开发环境中。所有这些组件协同工作使你获得一个无缝的环境,无需担心从一步到下一步的兼容性问题。当设计完成后,你可以在目标硬件上进行调试,查看你的代码是如何工作的。因为采用C语言,Dynamic C的语法和结构与传统的C语言完全相同,只是增加了使 实时多任务可靠和简便的一些扩展。
2019-12-21 22:23:17 15.83MB Rabbit MCU Dynamic C
2019-12-21 22:18:09 15.64MB Dynamic Programming and Optimal