Introduction to the MIPS32 Architecture 对mips32架构的一个介绍。 对学习嵌入式开发不可多得的好书
2021-04-28 23:06:50 926KB Introduction to the MIPS32
2021-04-28 23:00:06 2.4MB MIPS 汇编 指令
架构之美英文完整版 健壮、优雅、灵活和易维护的软件架构是怎样炼成的?《架构之美》通过一系列优秀的文章回答了这个问题,这些文章来自于十几位当今一流的软件设计师和架构师。在每篇文章中,作者都向们展示了一个著名的软件架构,并分析了什么让其具有创新性,让其极其符合设计目标。 《架构之美》Facebook的架构如何建立在以数据为中心的应用生态系统之上。Xen的创新架构对操作系统未来的影响。KDE项目的社区过程如何让软件的架构从粗略的草图演进为漂亮的系统。不断滋长的特征如何让GNUEmacs获得从未预料到的功能。JikesRVM自优化、自足执行的运行时环境背后的魔法。
2021-04-28 21:33:51 6.05MB 架构之美
片上多处理器(chip multiprocessor),又称多核微处理器或简称CMP,已成为构造现代高性能微处理器的唯一技术途径。本书在简单介绍了片上多处理器的基本概念后,着重于从提高吞吐率和缩短响应时延两方面探讨片上多处理器的基本技术与设计方法。同时介绍了多核处理器的编程技巧,包括线程级猜测和事务型内存等热点技术。通过阅读本书,读者可以在较短时间内熟悉和掌握片上多处理器研究的主流技术和最新的研究成果,为片上多处理器领域的科研和应用带来新的思路和灵感。
2021-04-27 21:37:05 5.1MB Chip Multiprocessor Architecture
以 Atmel 嵌入式平台为例,讲解 C 语言的流水优化与效率优化方法,值得参考。
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mindshare系列经典文章只usb系统结构介绍。结合usb spec看,便于理解。此为英文完整版。
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Gain insight into how hexagonal architecture can help to keep the cost of development low over the complete lifetime of an application Key Features Explore ways to make your software flexible, extensible, and adaptable Learn new concepts that you can easily blend with your own software development style Develop the mindset of building maintainable solutions instead of taking shortcuts Book Description We would all like to build software architecture that yields adaptable and flexible software with low development costs. But, unreasonable deadlines and shortcuts make it very hard to create such an architecture. Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture starts with a discussion about the conventional layered architecture style and its disadvantages. It also talks about the advantages of the domain-centric architecture styles of Robert C. Martin's Clean Architecture and Alistair Cockburn's Hexagonal Architecture. Then, the book dives into hands-on chapters that show you how to manifest a hexagonal architecture in actual code. You'll learn in detail about different mapping strategies between the layers of a hexagonal architecture and see how to assemble the architecture elements into an application. The later chapters demonstrate how to enforce architecture boundaries. You'll also learn what shortcuts produce what types of technical debt and how, sometimes, it is a good idea to willingly take on those debts. After reading this book, you'll have all the knowledge you need to create applications using the hexagonal architecture style of web development. What you will learn Identify potential shortcomings of using a layered architecture Apply methods to enforce architecture boundaries Find out how potential shortcuts can affect the software architecture Produce arguments for when to use which style of architecture Structure your code according to the architecture Apply various types of tests that will cover each element of the architecture Who this
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Linux on Power Architecture Platform Reference v1.1
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计算机体系结构:一种量化的方法(第五版),JOHN L.HENNESSY, DAVID A. PATTERSON著。资源共享,希望对你有所帮助。
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computer architecture a quantitative approach,5th edition
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