64位机器的云图whl,用于32位Python云图在64位机器上运行不了的情况。 解决win64 Python下安装PIL出错问题 详情见https://www.jb51.net/article/146735.htm
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AutoCAD 2017机械绘图实例视频教程
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For the full history of release notes, see FinalIK Change Log.pdf in the package. Upgrade Guide - MAKE A BACKUP! Open a new scene, delete “Plugins/RootMotion” and reimport. Also reimport PuppetMaster if you had that in your project. - If you were using any of the integration packages, reimport them from “Plugins/RootMotion/FinalIK/_Integration”. Improvements - Added “Clip Settings” to Baker, allowing you to define AnimationClipSettings to the baked animation clips. - Added “Shoulder Yaw O
2022-04-13 17:06:08 47.15MB unity unity3d
USB Type-C 2.1 Release 20220316,USB官方文档
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Unity 官方推荐插件Fog Volume3 雾、云、大气雾效统统囊括 Unity 官方推荐插件Fog Volume3 雾、云、大气雾效统统囊括
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目录树如下所示: ├ECNs │ ├USB Type-C R2.1 ECN Dual-Role Products Swap Guidelines.pdf │ ├Marked Cable Correction.pdf │ ├Min Functional Cable Voltage.pdf │ ├Sinking Host-Sourcing Device Swap Clarifications.pdf │ ├Try.SRC and Try.Snk Usage Clarifications.pdf │ ├USB Terminations for USB4 and Alt Mode UFPs.pdf │ ├USB2 Attenuation Update.pdf │ ├USB2 DCR Update.pdf │ ├USB4 VDO Response Clarification.pdf ├USB Type-C Spec R2.1 - May 2021 REDLINE versus R2.0.pdf ├USB Type-C Spec R2.1 - May 2021.pdf
2022-04-09 13:00:14 22.41MB USBType-C TYPEC TYPE-C USB