Data sources: primary, secondary Objectives: descriptive, exploratory, correlational, explanatory Time for data collection: cross-sectional, longitudinal (panel, trend) Data types: qualitative, quantitative (survey, experimental) Primary: studies based on primary, or original, data sources, such as classroom observations or real students, or their test scores, or their responses to a questionnaire. Secondary: studies based on secondary sources such as other researhers’ books and articles, including library research and literature reviews. Descriptive: studies involving the collection of data in order to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subjects of the study. Exploratory: studies conducted into an issue or problem where there are few or no earlier studies to refer to. The focus is on gaining insights and familiarity for later investigation. Correlational: The basic question for descriptive research is - "What are the values of a number of variables for a given sample of subjects. The basic research question for correlation research is - What is the relationship between two or more variables for a given set of subjects. Notice that we said relationship between variables and not the effect of one variable on another variable. In descriptive research we are just describing our subjects in terms of one or more variables, while in correlational research we are looking at the relationship between the variables. Correlational: The basic question for descriptive research is - "What are the values of a number of variables for a given sample of subjects. The basic research question for correlation research is - What is the relationship between two or more variables for a given set of subjects. Notice that we said relationship between variables and not the effect of one variable on another variable. In descriptive research we are just describing our subjects in terms of one or more variables, while in correlatio
Functions of a research proposal Planning tool for the researcher Rough draft of the final research report Convincing others that your research is worth undertaking Demonstrating expertise and competency in your particular area of study
2021-08-07 14:05:20 451KB 报告 数据科学 统计分析 数据分析
单样本t检验 独立样本t检验 配对样本t检验 单因素方差分析 Normal distribution and sampling distribution Normal distribution is made up of individual scores. Sampling distribution is composed of group means. With more groups means, a curve of their distribution would be symmetric. This symmetric curve is not called a normal distribution but rather a sampling distribution of means A sampling distribution is the distribution of a sample statistic that would be obtained if all possible samples of the same size were drawn from a given population.
1.概念 将数理统计学的理论和方法应用于教学实际、通过对所获得数据分析和处理,达到探索教学规律、制定方案、作出决策和预测。 2.性质 应用性:更重应用,不细究数理 方法性:只是工具,不负责研究何种现象、提出何种假设、结论是否正确等。 3.分类 描述统计(descriptive statistics) 描述数据全貌。包括数据分组,使用统计图表描述数据的分组和分布,计算数据参数 。 推断统计(inferential statistics) 依据随机样本数据,从局部推断总体特征。包括参数检验和非参数检验、方差分析、回归分析、因子分析等。 4.基本概念 4.1变量(variable) 研究活动中的关键因素。相对于常量而言(在研究过程中始终保持不变的特征或条件)。 自变量(independent variable):教学方法 因变量(dependent variable):学生成绩 中间变量(interdependent variable):学习风格 如:研究者经常在课题的研究对象(某一层次的学习者)中安排不同风格的学习者。当某个自变量(如教学方式)变化时,可以观测到因变量(学习成绩)的相应变化及其规律。然后针对不同学习风格的研究对象(中间变量),再观察上述教学现象规律有何变化 。 4.基本概念 4.2总体(population)、个体(individual)、样本(sample) 研究对象的全体为总体,组成总体的基本单元为个体,按照一定规则从总体中抽取的一部分个体为样本。 4.3样本容量(sample size) 无严格的数量界限。一般把样本容量小于30(50、100)的样本称为小样本,大于等于30(50、100)的为大样本。
2021-08-07 14:05:19 1.11MB 统计学 SPSS 统计分析 数据分析
2021-08-06 23:45:24 28.88MB java
2021-08-03 17:06:02 9.98MB Java MySQL 汽车销售 毕业设计
2021-08-03 13:01:37 496B SPSS统计分析从入门到精通
【PIE-Engine Studio】08 统计分析
2021-08-03 09:44:10 4.22MB PIE-Engine 统计分析 二次开发大赛
《MATLAB统计分析与应用:40个案例分析》的配套源码。 在我们的生活中,统计无处不在,大到国计民生,小到个人起居,无不与统计息息相关,在统计计算与分析软件中,MATLAB的功能无疑是最强大的。本书以较少篇幅介绍MATLAB统计工具箱函数的调用方法,将通过大量的案例分析介绍MATLAB在统计方面的应用。本书内容分12章,另有2个附录,共涉及40个大的案例,其中有些大案例下还包含了一些小的案例。本书章节是这样安排的:第1章,利用MATLAB生成Word和:Excel文档;第2章,数据的导入与导出;第3章,数据的预处理;第4章,生成随机数;第5章,参数估计与假设检验;第6章,Copula理
2021-08-02 15:58:47 6.37MB 其它源代码 Matlab源码
2021-08-01 18:28:42 7.3MB R语言 数据挖掘 统计分析