information technology — Process assessment —Part 1:Concepts and vocabulary
2021-12-30 13:42:25 692KB Proces 15504 软件工程 过程评估
ISO 15504的详细资料, 软件代码质量管理,很受用很详细的资料
2021-12-30 12:10:51 47KB ISO 15504
标准内容高清可复制,非扫描版。 Part 4: Definitions and abbreviations 电气/电子/可编程电子安全相关系统的功能安全 - 第 4 部分:定义和缩写 IEC 61508-4:2010 包含 IEC 61508 系列标准的第 1 至 7 部分中使用的术语的定义和解释。 定义按总标题分组,以便相关术语可以在彼此的上下文中理解。 然而,应该指出的是,这些标题并不是为了增加定义的含义。 此第二版取消并替代了 1998 年出版的第一版。此版本构成技术修订。 它经过了彻底的审查,并包含了在不同修订阶段收到的许多意见。 根据 IEC 指南 104,它具有基本安全出版物的地位。
2021-12-29 15:47:30 1.86MB 61508 IEC61508 IEC61508-4 功能安全
IEC 60077-1:1999 铁路应用 机车车辆电气设备 【标准状态】: 现行 【国别】: 国际 【发布日期】: 1999-10 【实施或试行日期】: 【发布单位】: 国际电工委员会(IX-IEC)
2021-12-27 15:42:09 39.1MB IEC 60077-1 铁路应用 机车车辆电气设备
介绍 HBM,MM.CDM,IEC模型,电流等级,测试方法,非常齐全的资料
2021-12-27 09:01:41 9.52MB ESD HBM IEC
2021-12-23 09:01:43 2.16MB 62133 标准 电池
INTRODUCTION IEC 62386 contains several parts, referred to as series. The 1xx series includes the basic specifications. Part 101 contains general requirements for system components, Part 102 extends this information with general requirements for control gear and Part 103 extends it further with general requirements for control devices. The 2xx parts extend the general requirements for control gear with lamp specific extensions (mainly for backward compatibility with Edition 1 of IEC 62386) and with control gear specific features. The 3xx parts extend the general requirements for control devices with input device specific extensions describing the instance types as well as some common features that can be combined with multiple instance types. This first edition of IEC 62386-103 is published in conjunction with IEC 62386-101:2014, IEC 62386-102:2014 and with the various parts that make up the IEC 62386-2xx series for control gear, together with the various parts that make up the IEC 62386-3xx series of particular requirements for control devices. The division into separately published parts provides for ease of future amendments and revisions. Additional requirements will be added as and when a need for them is recognised.
2021-12-23 08:57:48 3.7MB DALI IEC 62386-10
ISO/IEC 14496-1 Second edition 2001-10-01 AMENDMENT 8 2004-10-01
2021-12-22 23:23:07 11.59MB 14496-1
Noise, IEC 60268-1测试信号。
2021-12-22 19:10:25 8.24MB IEC60268 Noise GB/T12060.1
IEC 61960-3-2017 IEC 标准全文
2021-12-22 18:01:37 6.4MB 61960 标准 电池