User-Agent Switcher for Chrome 汉化版,适合于各类页面用不同的UA查看。 UA文件包括移动端和PC端的多种设备
2021-07-09 16:29:04 103KB User-Agent Switcher for Chrome
2021-07-08 00:31:04 135KB User agent UA
IP AGENT 吐血推荐,最好用没有之一
2021-07-07 22:03:01 38KB ip ProxyPool-master ProxyPool agent
2021-07-07 15:15:33 560KB 网络安全 syslog
Beaver Enterprise是一个通用的数据库管理工具和 SQL 客户端,支持 MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, MSSQL, Sybase, Mimer, HSQLDB, Derby, 以及其他兼容 JDBC 的数据库。DBeaver Enterprise提供一个图形界面用来查看数据库结构、执行SQL查询和脚本,浏览和导出数据,处理BLOB/CLOB 数据,修改数据库结构等等。DBeaver Enterprise经官方测试,其支持:MySQL、Oracle、PostgreSQL、IBM DB2、Microsoft SQL Server、clickhouse、Sybase、ODBC、Java DB (Derby)、Firebird (Interbase)、HSQLDB、SQLite、Mimer、H2、IBM Informix、SAP MAX DB、Cache、Ingres、Linter、Teradata和一些符合JDBC连接的数据库。
2021-07-06 20:00:50 466.69MB 数据库
windowsupdateagent-7.6-x64.exe,用于 Windows 7、Windows Vista 和 Windows XP 的 Windows 更新代理的最新版本,用于离线或手动更新Windows Update代理程序以便离线安装其他补丁。
2021-07-05 14:59:00 10.79MB windowsupdate agent
The advent of widespread fast computing has enabled us to work on more complex problems and to build and analyze more complex models. This book provides an introduction to one of the primary methodologies for research in this new field of knowledge. Agent-based modeling (ABM) offers a new way of doing science: by conducting computer-based experiments. ABM is applicable to complex systems embedded in natural, social, and engineered contexts, across domains that range from engineering to ecology. An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling offers a comprehensive description of the core concepts, methods, and applications of ABM. Its hands-on approach -- with hundreds of examples and exercises using NetLogo -- enables readers to begin constructing models immediately, regardless of experience or discipline. The book first describes the nature and rationale of agent-based modeling, then presents the methodology for designing and building ABMs, and finally discusses how to utilize ABMs to answer complex questions. Features in each chapter include step-by-step guides to developing models in the main text; text boxes with additional information and concepts; end-of-chapter explorations; and references and lists of relevant reading. There is also an accompanying website with all the models and code. Table of Contents Chapter 0 Why Agent-Based Modeling? Chapter 1 What Is Agent-Based Modeling? Chapter 2 Creating Simple Agent-Based Models Chapter 3 Exploring and Extending Agent-Based Models Chapter 4 Creating Agent-Based Models Chapter 5 The Components of Agent-Based Modeling Chapter 6 Analyzing Agent-Based Models Chapter 7 Verification, Validation, and Replication Chapter 8 Advanced Topics and Applications Appendix: The Computational Roots of Agent-Based Modeling
2021-07-05 10:32:43 19.61MB Agent Based Modeling
TF-Agents:一个可靠,可扩展且易于使用的TensorFlow库,用于上下文强盗和强化学习。 使实施,部署和测试新的Bandits和RL算法更加容易。 它提供了经过测试的模块化组件,可以对其进行修改和扩展。 它具有良好的测试集成和基准测试,可实现快速代码迭代。 首先,我们建议您查阅我们的Colab教程之一。 如果您需要RL简介(或快速回顾),请。 否则,请查看我们的以使代理在Cartpole环境中启动并运行。 当前稳定版本的API文档位于。 TF-Agents正在积极开发中,接口可能随时更改。 欢迎提供反馈和意见。 目录 代理商 在TF-Agent中,RL算法的核心元素被实现为Ag
2021-06-30 17:01:25 116KB qemu-guest-agent
7.1 Agent概述 7.2 Agent的理论模型 7.3 Agent的结构 7.4 Agent通信 7.5 Multi-Agent系统 7.6 移动Agent 7.7 面向Agent的程序设计
2021-06-29 15:39:39 561KB Agent\Multi-Agent