2021-02-19 10:03:39 551KB 固体物理 KITTEL
Flutter,TDD,Clean Archtecure,SOLID。 TDD,固体,清洁建筑的概念。 EmProdução Este App aindaestáem desenvolvimento。
2021-02-08 19:06:56 77KB Dart
Broadband rhenium disulfide optical modulator for solid-state lasers
2021-02-07 16:03:22 2.02MB 研究论文
Inspired by the fact that edge is an important cue to distinguish texts from background, we propose a novel scene text detection method via edge cue and multiple features, which has two main parts, i.e. candidate character region (CCR) extraction and region classification. For CCR extraction, the ed
2021-02-07 12:06:35 723KB scene text detection; candidate
We present a new edge-preserving image smoothing approach by incorporating local features into a holistic optimization framework. Our method embodies a gradient constraint to enforce detail eliminating and an intensity constraint to achieve shape maintaining. The gradients of high-contrast details are suppressed to a lower magnitude, subsequent to which structural edges can be located. The intensities of a small region are regulated to resemble the initial fabric, which facilitates further detai
2021-02-07 12:06:23 1.37MB edge detection; feature extraction
Let G be a planar graph with maximum degree Δ ≥ 8 and without chordal.5-cycles. Then χ l (G) = Δ and χ l (G) = Δ + 1.
2021-02-07 12:05:49 344KB 研究论文
David B. Fogel - Blondie24_ Playing at the Edge of AI (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence) (2001, Morgan Kaufmann)
2021-02-07 09:21:52 18MB AI 机器学习
Edge V88 微软浏览器最新便携版 2021-02-04
2021-02-06 16:01:30 127.43MB Edge Chrome
2021-02-05 15:13:25 2.83MB 卸载
同步服务器 用于监视和控制物理和虚拟基础结构的API。 Synse Server是一部分。 它提供了一个简单的HTTP API,使收集设备指标和发布设备命令变得容易。 Synse专为边缘数据中心站点的熄灯操作而设计,但可以在更传统的数据中心环境,IoT实验室中运行,也可以作为DIY项目的监视和控制解决方案。 使用Synse的HTTP API和插件后端,可以通过相同的统一API访问通过不同协议(例如I²C,RS-485或IPMI)进行通信的设备。 支持新协议或设备就像使用编写新插件一样简单。 有关Synse Server和Synse平台的其他组件的更多信息,请参阅。 入门 Synse组件旨
2021-02-04 18:13:57 215KB monitoring management iot-platform edge-computing