2019-12-21 22:09:08 12.41MB 5G IoT
2019-12-21 21:55:58 3KB C++
计算机网络释疑与习题解答(计算机网络第7版-谢希仁 答案) 该文档与计算机网络第七版配合使用更佳喔
2019-12-21 21:50:14 217.96MB Internet
基于思科仿真软件cisco pocket tracer v6.2设计的校园网设计拓扑图.实现了内外网的 vlan划分 dhcp dns等的配置。内外网的隔离访问和防火墙等功能。
2019-12-21 21:49:18 304KB internet cisco  计算机网络 网络工程
Internet of Things for Architects: Architecting IoT solutions by implementing sensors, communication infrastructure, edge computing, analytics, and security Learn to Design, Implement and secure your IoT infrastructure The Internet of Things (IoT) is the fastest growing technology market. Industries are embracing IoT technologies to improve operational expenses, product life, and people’s well-being. An architectural guide is necessary if you want to traverse the spectrum of technologies needed to build a successful IoT system, whether that’s a single device or millions of devices. This book encompasses the entire spectrum of IoT solutions, from sensors to the cloud. We start by examining modern sensor systems and focus on their power and functionality. After that, we dive deep into communication theory, paying close attention to near-range PAN, including the new Bluetooth® 5.0 specification and mesh networks. Then, we explore IP-based communication in LAN and WAN, including 802.11ah, 5G LTE cellular, SigFox, and LoRaWAN. Next, we cover edge routing and gateways and their role in fog computing, as well as the messaging protocols of MQTT and CoAP. With the data now in internet form, you’ll get an understanding of cloud and fog architectures, including the OpenFog standards. We wrap up the analytics portion of the book with the application of statistical analysis, complex event processing, and deep learning models. Finally, we conclude by providing a holistic view of the IoT security stack and the anatomical details of IoT exploits while countering them with software defined perimeters and blockchains. What You Will Learn Understand the role and scope of architecting a successful IoT deployment, from sensors to the cloud Scan the landscape of IoT technologies that span everything from sensors to the cloud and everything in between See the trade-offs in choices of protocols and communications in IoT deployments Build a repertoire of skills and the vernacular necessary
2019-12-21 20:18:51 25.56MB iot 架构
2019-12-21 20:10:02 65.1MB internet
1 绪 论 1 1.1 校园网的发展 1 1.2 本文研究的意义及目的 1 1.3 校园网规划设计的主要任务 2 1.4论文结构安排 3 2 校园网络设计系统需求分析及目标 4 2.1 设计背景及现状 4 2.2 系统需求分析 4 2.3 校园网系统建设目标 5 2.3.1校园网系统高可靠性 5 2.3.2校园网系统高稳定性 5 2.3.3校园网系统可扩展性 6 2.3.4校园网系统可维护性 6 3 校园网总体结构设计 7 3.1 网络设计 7 3.1.1 主干网络设计 8 3.1.2 工作组网络 10 3.2 网络组网技术的选择 10 3.3 网络设计方案描述 11 3.3.1 网络总体规划设计 11 3.3.2 网络拓扑结构 12 3.3.3 网络设备的选择原则 14 3.3.4 主要网络设备配置 14 4 网络操作系统 20 4.1 网络服务器 20 4.1.1 主域服务器 20 4.1.2 INTERNET 服务器 20 4.2 网络操作系统 21 4.2.1 UNIX网络操作系统 22 4.2.2 Windows Server 2003网络操作系统 23 5 应用系统 27 5.1 办公信息管理系统软件 27 5.2 教学管理系统软件 27 5.3 图书管理系统 27 5.4 远程教育系统 27 5.5 校园网通讯服务系统 28 6 综合布线系统设计 29 6.1设计依据 29 6.1.1 系统设计标准 29 6.1.2 安装与设计规范 29 6.2 设计范围及要求 29 6.3布线的设备选择 30 6.4 布线系统设计方案描述 30 6.4.1 工作区子系统设计 30 6.4.2 水平布线子系统设计 31 6.4.3 垂直主干子系统 31 6.4.4 管理子系统 31 6.4.5 设备间子系统设计 31 6.4.6 建筑群主干子系统设计 31 8 结 论 32 致 谢 33 参考文献 34
2019-12-21 19:44:26 14.54MB Internet Toolkit