表评估器 TableEvaluator是一个库,用于评估合成数据集与真实数据的相似程度。 换句话说,它试图指出伪造数据的真实程度。 随着专门为表格数据设计的GAN的兴起,许多应用正在成为可能。 对于像金融,医疗保健和goverments行业,不必创建不具有正常数据的隐私限制高品质的合成数据的能力是非常有价值的。 由于这个领域还很年轻并且正在发展,所以我创建了这个库,以便为您的模型提供一致的评估方法。 安装 该软件包可以安装 pip install table_evaluator 测验 可以通过克隆存储库并运行以下命令来运行测试: pytest tests 用法 请参阅示例笔记本以获取最新示例。 README示例只是该笔记本,但有时有些过时。 从导入类开始 from table_evaluator import load_data , TableEvaluator 该包通过具有两个
2022-12-07 09:03:48 1.24MB data evaluation generation synthetic
Data Recovery数据恢复工具,很好用的恢复工具
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2022-12-06 17:13:17 190B 需要 Oracle 客户端软件 8.1.7
数据 img2083 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LIrSH51bUgS-TcgGuCcniw 提取码:m4vq 数据cifar102021 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/15rpkygWIttr-ztx776Jt_g 提取码:h2fr 图像增广 在5.6节(深度卷积神经网络)里我们提到过,大规模数据集是成功应用深度神经网络的前提。图像增广(image augmentation)技术通过对训练图像做一系列随机改变,来产生相似但又不同的训练样本,从而扩大训练数据集的规模。图像增广的另一种解释是,随机改变训练样本可以降低模型对某些属性的依赖,从而
2022-12-04 21:57:16 87KB “人造太阳”计划 gm io
Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters
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这是RNN LSTM实战--人名分类器所用的data,该实战已经在Blog中按步骤记录,欢迎大家下载这个数据集。
2022-12-01 22:02:21 2.8MB RNN实战 LSTM 人名分类器 深度学习
This book presents a systematic and unified approach for modern nonparametric treatment of missing and modified data via examples of density and hazard rate estimation, nonparametric regression, filtering signals, and time series analysis. All basic types of missing at random and not at random, biasing, truncation, censoring, and measurement errors are discussed, and their treatment is explained. Ten chapters of the book cover basic cases of direct data, biased data, nondestructive and destructive missing, survival data modified by truncation and censoring, missing survival data, stationary and nonstationary time series and processes, and ill-posed modifications. The coverage is suitable for self-study or a one-semester course for graduate students with a prerequisite of a standard course in introductory probability. Exercises of various levels of difficulty will be helpful for the instructor and self-study. The book is primarily about practically important small samples. It explains when consistent estimation is possible, and why in some cases missing data should be ignored and why others must be considered. If missing or data modification makes consistent estimation impossible, then the author explains what type of action is needed to restore the lost information. The book contains more than a hundred figures with simulated data that explain virtually every setting, claim, and development. The companion R software package allows the reader to verify, reproduce and modify every simulation and used estimators. This makes the material fully transparent and allows one to study it interactively. Sam Efromovich is the Endowed Professor of Mathematical Sciences and the Head of the Actuarial Program at the University of Texas at Dallas. He is well known for his work on the theory and application of nonparametric curve estimation and is the author of Nonparametric Curve Estimation: Methods, Theory, and Applications. Professor Sam Efromovich is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association.
2022-11-30 20:07:05 84.25MB r语言
本文实例为大家分享了微信小程序支付PHP具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 服务器端获取 openid Getopenid.php <?php header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $APPID=;//填写小程序appid $SECRET=;//填写小程序secret $JSCODE=; if(isset($_GET['js_code'])){ $JSCODE=$_GET['js_code']; $url=https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/jscode2se
2022-11-30 17:41:19 60KB curl data openid
2022-11-30 09:26:18 148KB big data flume
JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。JSONM文件中包含了关于“名称”和“值”的信息。有时候我们需要读取JSON格式的数据文件,在jQuery中可以使用Ajax或者 $.getJSON()方法实现。 下面就使用jQuery读取music.txt文件中的JSON数据格式信息。 首先,music.txt中的内容如下: 代码如下: [ {“optionKey”:”1″, “optionValue”:”Canon in D”}, {“optionKey”:”2″, “optionValue”:”Wind Song”}, {“optionKey”
2022-11-30 00:13:36 30KB ajax data jquery