[原创]Linux 802.11n CSI tool Monitor模式-附件资源
2021-04-18 17:17:15 106B
2021-04-17 14:01:47 7.26MB wifi 802.11协议
2021-04-17 14:01:47 23.80MB 802.11
802.11a 无线局域网视频图像传输实验系统的研究与实现》
2021-04-16 18:10:02 820KB 802.11a 无线局域网 视频图像传输
抓取的802.11 无线认证过程的封包,包含open/wpa-psk(aes+tkip)/wpa2-psk(aes+tkip)
2021-04-16 17:00:38 72KB wifi 802.11
2021-04-16 15:35:41 28KB wifi 测试 802.11
As we all know by now, wireless networks offer many advantages over fixed (or wired) networks. Foremost on that list is mobility, since going wireless frees you from the tether of an Ethernet cable at a desk. But that's just the tip of the cable-free iceberg. Wireless networks are also more flexible, faster and easier for you to use, and more affordable to deploy and maintain. The de facto standard for wireless networking is the 802.11 protocol, which includes Wi-Fi (the wireless standard known as 802.11b) and its faster cousin, 802.11g. With easy-to-install 802.11 network hardware available everywhere you turn, the choice seems simple, and many people dive into wireless computing with less thought and planning than they'd give to a wired network. But it's wise to be familiar with both the capabilities and risks associated with the 802.11 protocols. And 802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition is the perfect place to start. This updated edition covers everything you'll ever need to know about wireless technology. Designed with the system administrator or serious home user in mind, it's a no-nonsense guide for setting up 802.11 on Windows and Linux. 英文版,pdf格式
2021-04-15 16:55:19 9.48MB 802.11 Wireless 无线网络
本资源包含了基于 MATLAB 的 OFDM 仿真实验代码,内容全面且包含注释,经查找对比要比网上的大部分代码资源要好。同时,还包含了经过注释的课件,有助于理解。
2021-04-13 14:57:10 21.59MB OFDM MATLAB 移动通信 仿真与课件
IEEE 802.11ac是一个802.11无线局域网通信标准,它通过5GHz频带进行通信。理论上,它能够提供最少1Gbit/s带宽进行多站式无线局域网通信,或是最少500Mbit/s的单一连接传输带宽。802.11ac是802.11n的继承者。它采用并扩展了源自802.11n的空中接口概念,包括:更宽的RF带宽(提升至160MHz)、更多的MlMO空间流(增加到8)、多用户的MIMO以及更高阶的调制(达到256QAM)
2021-04-13 11:25:41 5.56MB WIFI 802.11ac IEEE Std
本标准的目的是通过为现有的无线局域网应用领域提供显著提高的基本服务集(BSS)吞吐量,改善IEEE 802.11无线局域网(WLAN)的用户体验,并使新的细分市场能够在6 GHz以下运行,包括分发多个多媒体/数据流。
2021-04-12 18:01:33 3.26MB 802.11ac standard 标准 2013