AIM OF THIS BOOK Today TOGAF®a is widely recognized as a standard for enterprise architecture. The TOGAF framework focuses on the architecture transformation method in all its dimensions (business, organization, and information system). Since enterprise architecture often uses representations and models, both valuable instruments in elaboration and communication, the aim of this book is to provide a hands-on practitioner’s view of TOGAF and, notably, of the models used during transformation work. We chose to build these models using the most widely used standards, such as UML and BPMN. Specific UML extensions (a UML profile dedicated to TOGAF) are provided in this book to further explain all necessary concepts. We have also aligned this modeling technique with ArchiMate,b which is explained in a dedicated appendix to this book. This book does not replace the TOGAF reference specification.c Read as an initiation into or an accompaniment to the standard, it presents both the foundations of the TOGAF framework and tangible enterprise architecture elements. We hope that this book will be a useful tool in your TOGAF-based enterprise transformation projects. TOGAF is not the only enterprise architecture framework. Zachman, DODAF, MODAF, NAF, EAF, and even ITIL for certain aspects, all broach the subject of enterprise architecture in their own way. The number of frameworks available is probably explained by the complexity of the subject, as well as the diversity of situations encountered within different enterprises. As a consequence, TOGAF should not be considered as the “miracle cure,” but rather as a proposal capable of bringing together a number of practices around its architecture development method (ADM). The inevitably generic nature of TOGAF can sometimes be disconcerting. However, TOGAF is generally intended to be customized in order to instantiate the method for a particular use.
2022-02-12 09:28:29 27.25MB TOGAF
TOGAF 9.2口袋书中文版,最新版本,用于学习TOGAF
2022-02-07 14:07:22 6.87MB 架构师 TOGAF 解决方案架构师 企业架构
“有效的企业架构(Enterprise Architecture,EA)对企业的生存和成功具有决定性的作用,是企业通过IT获得竞争优势的不可缺少的手段。“ 本文概述了企业架构及其基本概念(并非IT架构的另一个名称),以及为何需要企业架构的原因,并且对建立企业架构的效益和采取TOGAF(The Open Group Architecture Framework)企业架构框架达到目标的途径进行了简要概括。 TOGAF将“企业”定义为有着共同目标集合的组织的聚集。例如,企业可能是政府部门、一个完整的公司、公司部门、单个处/科室,或通过共同拥有权连接在一起的地理上疏远的组织链。
2022-01-21 15:03:42 799KB 架构师 togaf
2022-01-15 17:46:19 21.61MB TOGAF
2022-01-06 02:14:41 6.27MB TOGAF 企业架构
TOGAF 9.1 Cert-1.PDF
2021-12-31 19:01:31 1.16MB TOGAF9.1考试信息
TOGAF 9.1 Cert-2.PDF
2021-12-31 19:01:30 301KB TOGAF9.1考试信息
2021-12-22 13:03:39 42.38MB 企业架构 TOGAF 数据架构 业务架构
2021-11-17 15:00:07 6.89MB 架构开发 企业架构 TOGAF 企业架构开发
TOGAF® 标准是The Open Group标准之一,企业架构标准,TOGAF®为标准、方法论和企业架构专业人士之间的沟通提供一致性保障。 TOGAF® 9.2 在TOGAF ® 9.1版本基础上重点修订包括更新业务架构和内容元模型相关内容,便利了TOGAF框架的应用和维护。 一、模块化架构:TOGAF标准采用模块化结构。 二、内容框架:TOGAF标准包括了一个使遵循架构开发方法(ADM)所产出结果更加一致的内容框架。TOGAF内容框架为架构产品提供了详细的模型。 三、扩展指南:TOGAF标准的一系列扩展概念和规范为大型组织内部团队开发多层级集成架构提供支持,这些架构均在一个总体架构治理模