在大中华区,我相信此书网上仅此一本.由本人制作 .我在很多论坛上看到类似的主题:求书:Programming with POSIX Threads?而很多人的经历是找了很久没找到.我也是如此.显然,这是一本相当重要的书,当你在学习UNIX/LINUX下的多线程编程的时候.我把在国外网站找到的这本书打做成PDF格式.希望对大家有帮助.文件太大,分成了四部分,请下载完整.多线程编程 UNIX LINUX Programming with POSIX Threads
2022-01-02 13:24:23 4.29MB LINUX Programming UNIX with
上传到 linux线上服务器,执行 chmod -R 777  show-busy-java-threads 执行权限。  ./show-busy-java-threads  查看执行占用cpu偏高的 线程,方便我们排查定位。
2021-10-21 21:05:37 17KB jstack show-busy-java-t
Unix Systems Programming-Communication, Concurrency, and Threads
2021-09-30 10:15:05 1001KB Threads Windows POSIX pthreads
Programming with POSIX ThreadsDavid R. Butenhof介绍unix下多线程
2021-09-27 14:05:13 1.19MB multithread unix
gevent,threads&async frameworks.pdf
2021-08-21 13:02:05 878KB gevent async threads
My first encounter with the Java programming language was during a one-week Java training session in 1997. I did not get a chance to use Java in a project until 1999. I read two Java books and took a Java 2 programmer certification examination. I did very well on the test, scoring 95 percent. The three questions that I missed on the test made me realize that the books that I had read did not adequately cover details of all the topics. I made up my mind to write a book on the Java programming language. So, I formulated a plan to cover most of the topics that a Java developer needs to use Java effectively in a project, as well as to become certified. I initially planned to cover all essential topics in Java in 700 to 800 pages. As I progressed, I realized that a book covering most of the Java topics in detail could not be written in 700 to 800 pages. One chapter alone that covered data types, operators, and statements spanned 90 pages. I was then faced with the question, “Should I shorten the content of the book or include all the details that I think a Java developer needs?” I opted for including all the details in the book, rather than shortening its content to maintain the original number of pages. It has never been my intent to make lots of money from this book. I was never in a hurry to finish this book because that rush could have compromised the quality and coverage. In short, I wrote this book to help the Java community understand and use the Java programming language effectively, without having to read many books on the same subject. I wrote this book with the plan that it would be a comprehensive one-stop reference for everyone who wants to learn and grasp the intricacies of the Java programming language. One of my high school teachers used to tell us that if one wanted to understand a building, one must first understand the bricks, steel, and mortar that make up the building. The same logic applies to most of the things that we want to unde
2021-08-18 08:14:10 9.32MB Java Threads Lambda Streams
2021-08-08 12:00:33 267KB linux
WebAssembly 的 Threads 提案 此存储库是 github.com/WebAssembly/spec/ 的克隆。 它用于讨论、原型规范和实现对 WebAssembly 线程支持的提议。 有关提案的摘要,请参阅。 此处提供了带有提议更改的规范的格式化版本: 。 来自上游存储库的原始自述文件如下... 规格 该存储库包含 WebAssembly 规范草案的源代码(为未来的播种)、参考实现和官方测试套件。 此处提供了规范的格式化版本: , 欢迎参与。 关于新功能、重大语义更改或任何可能产生实质性讨论的规范更改的讨论应首先,以便该规范存储库可以保持专注。 并请遵循。 引用 要在 LaTeX 中引用 WebAssembly,请使用。
2021-08-04 14:05:36 3.78MB proposal WebAssembly
2021-07-16 09:29:12 4KB java