Test Plan
- Platforms
Allows you some kind sub testplan inside a main test plan.
Have you ever wanted to execute a similar test plan on a different
platform (hardware, operating system, browser etc)?
This featureallows you to assign and execute test cases on different platforms.
You can have different set of test cases for each platform
- XML export/import of test cases and platforms links
- XML export of testplan contents
- Private Test plans
Test Specification
- Test cases version comparison
- Private Test projects
- Inventory
- URL Links from external sites
- Individual test case steps and expected results
- Test case import more options for manage duplicate situations
- XML export of test cases sets
- Test Case execution tester assignment at build level
- Improvement on XML import
- Search by Custom Fields
- Fully support of N-level nested tree of requirements specifications.
- Requirements relations
- Requirements versioning
- Requirements version comparison
- Requirement freeze
- URL Links from external sites
- Allow use on notes of Links bewteeen Requirements
- Allow use on notes of Links bewteeen Requirement Specs
User Interface
- Interactive tables
Many features allows you to customize the data by sorting, reordering,
grouping and filtering.
This mean that you easily can adapt the views to better suit you.
- Filter improvements
Custom fields
- for test cases and requirements values are managed at version level.
- PHP 5.3 support
- Ext-JS intensive use
User management
- Administrator can set user passwords without sending it by email.
Utilities (extra system)
- XLS to XML generator for Test Cases and Requirements
- new methods
2021-12-20 11:57:36