Fergus Henderson has been a software engineer at Google for over 10 years. He started programming as a kid in 1979, and went on to academic research in programming language design and implementation. With his PhD supervisor, he co-founded a research group at the University of Melbourne that developed the programming language Mercury. He has been a program committee member for eight international conferences, and has released over 500,000 lines of open-source code. He was a former moderator of the Usenet newsgroup comp.std.c++ and was an officially accredited ​“Technical Expert” to the ISO C and C++ committees. ​He has over 15 years of commercial software industry experience. At Google, he was one of the original developers of Blaze, a build tool now used across Google, and worked on the server-side software behind speech recognition and voice actions (before Siri!) and speech synthesis. He currently manages Google's text-to-speech engineering team, but still writes and reviews plenty of code. Software that he has written is installed on over a billion devices, and gets used over a billion times per day.
2021-12-07 14:23:03 587KB google
道德体系通常被描述为区分是非和形成对正确行为的信念的原则。 伦理话题很复杂,对心理模型的描述过于冗长,哲学假设根深蒂固。 从实践经验来看,在对软件工程学生进行道德教育时,仅对道德进行解释往往无法为学生提供行为和思想的见解。 此外,似乎没有探索对计算机工程师有吸引力的道德概念演示的发展。 这在软件工程领域尤为明显,该领域侧重于软件和相关工具,例如应用于各种类型的数据和概念工件的算法、图表、文档、建模和设计。 似乎软件工程师将道德材料视为缺乏系统化和统一性的想法和概念的集合。 因此,本文探讨了伦理理论的事物系统化,它可以起到类似于建模语言(例如,UML)的作用。 在这种方法中,事物化意味着事物和机制的实现(存在、存在、存在),这些机制定义了围绕道德相关现实的某个区域的边界,将其与其他一切分开。 然后开发了由此产生的图解表示来模拟在该地区做出道德决策的过程。
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Table of Contents Chapter 1 Software Engineering of Embedded and Real-Time Systems Chapter 2 Embedded Systems Hardware/Software Co-Development Chapter 3 Software Modeling for Embedded Systems Chapter 4 Software Design Architecture and Patterns for Embedded Systems Chapter 5 Real-Time Building Blocks: Events and Triggers Chapter 6 Hardware’s Interface to Embedded Software Chapter 7 Embedded Software Programming and Implementation Guidelines Chapter 8 Embedded Operating Systems Chapter 9 Software Reuse By Design in Embedded Systems Chapter 10 Software Performance Engineering for Embedded Systems Chapter 11 Optimizing Embedded Software for Performance Chapter 12 Optimizing Embedded Software for Memory Chapter 13 Optimizing Embedded Software for Power Chapter 14 Human Factors and User Interface Design for Embedded Systems Chapter 15 Embedded Software Quality, Integration and Testing Techniques Chapter 16 Software Development Tools for Embedded Systems Chapter 17 Multicore Software Development for Embedded Systems Chapter 18 Safety-Critical Software Development Chapter 19 Intellectual Property Chapter 20 Managing Embedded Software Development Chapter 21 Agile Development for Embedded Systems Chapter 22 Embedded Software for Automotive Applications Chapter 23 Programming for I/O and Storage Chapter 24 Embedded Software for Networking Applications Chapter 25 Linux for Embedded Systems
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著名软件工程领域专家Ian sommerville力作,软件工程经典教材课件.
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软件工程 Software Engineering 课后答案 英文版 软件工程 Software Engineering 课后答案 英文版 软件工程 Software Engineering 课后答案 英文版
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