讲分布式计算的教材书籍,其中对分布式算法的理论有很多涉及。英文版。清晰。 Distributed Computing - Fundamentals, Simulations and Advanced Topics (2nd Edition)
2021-11-05 14:24:45 21.2MB 分布式计算
Advanced Numerical Simulations in Mechanical Engineering 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-10-22 12:18:05 13.7MB Advanced Numerical Simulations Mechanical
2021-10-15 23:12:33 6.23MB Monte Carlo方法导论(第二版)
Simulation is integral to the successful design of modern radar systems, and there is arguably no better software for this purpose than MATLAB. But software and the ability to use it does not guarantee success. One must also: Ö Understand radar operations and design philosophy Ö Know how to select the radar parameters to meet the design requirements Ö Be able to perform detailed trade-off analysis in the context of radar sizing, modes of operation, frequency selection, waveforms, and signal processing Ö Develop loss and error budgets associated with the design MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design teaches all of this and provides the M-files and hands-on simulation experience needed to design and analyze radar systems. Part I forms a comprehensive description of radar systems, their analysis, and the design process. The authors' unique approach involves a design case study introduced in Chapter 1 and followed throughout the text. As the treatment progresses, the complexity increases and the case study requirements are adjusted accordingly. Part II presents a series of chapters-some authored by other experts in the field-on specialized radar topics important to a full understanding of radar systems design and analysis. A comprehensive set of MATLAB programs and functions support both parts of the book and are available for download from the CRC Press Web site.
2021-10-10 16:12:48 7.08MB radar systems de matlab
离散控制Matlab代码控件模拟 在这里,我们可以设计和调整控制系统,并使用MATLAB Simulink仿真评估其在AUV的数学模型上的性能。 开始使用 此存储库采用Simulink项目的形式,需要MATLAB 2019才能正确运行。 首先,将此仓库克隆到您的MATLAB路径(在计算机上安装MATLAB时创建的名为MATLAB的文件夹),然后在MATLAB应用程序中单击Subbots_controller.prj文件。 这将在应用程序中打开一个“项目”窗格,您可以在其中打开和运行模型。 参量 在此文件夹中,是控制系统的参数脚本,该脚本对应于脚本名称中年份所给出的AUV版本。 当您打开Simulink项目时,将运行当前的参数脚本,该脚本将使用可以在Simulink模型中使用的参数填充MATLAB工作台。 系统篇 该文件夹包含可以运行/导出的系统,可以这样描述。 control_system.slx 这是导出到可以由我们的ROS系统使用的C ++代码的控制系统。 您可以使用嵌入式编码器Simulink应用程序导出代码,该代码会将导出的系统打包为Build文件夹中的zip文件。 (注意:确
2021-09-27 10:51:02 97.65MB 系统开源
Switch-Mode Power Supplies Spice Simulations and Practical Designs By Christophe P. Basso * Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional * Number Of Pages: 889 * Publication Date: 2008-01-14 * ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0071508589 * ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071508582 * Binding: Hardcover Product Description: Harness Powerful SPICE Simulation and Design Tools to Develop Cutting-Edge Switch-Mode Power Supplies Switch-Mode Power Supplies: SPICE Simulations and Practical Designs is a comprehensive resource on using SPICE as a power conversion design companion. This book uniquely bridges analysis and market reality to teach the development and marketing of state-of-the art switching converters. Invaluable to both the graduating student and the experienced design engineer, this guide explains how to derive founding equations of the most popular converters…design safe, reliable converters through numerous practical examples…and utilize SPICE simulations to virtually breadboard a converter on the PC before using the soldering iron. Filled with more than 600 illustrations, Switch-Mode Power Supplies: SPICE Simulations and Practical Designs enables you to: * Derive founding equations of popular converters * Understand and implement loop control via the book-exclusive small-signal models * Design safe, reliable converters through practical examples * Use SPICE simulations to virtually breadboard a converter on the PC * Access design spreadsheets and simulation templates on the accompanying CD-ROM, with numerous examples running on OrCADË, ICAPSË, µCapË, TINAË, and more Inside This Powerful SPICE Simulation and Design Resource • Introduction to Power Conversion • Small-Signal Modeling • Feedback and Control Loops • Basic Blocks and Generic Models • Simulation and Design of Nonisolated Converters • Simulation and Design of Isolated Converters-Front-End Rectification and Power Factor Correction • Simulation and Design of Isolated Converters-Th
2021-09-18 17:36:44 13.97MB Switch-Mode Power Supplies -
脑模型 BrainModels提供了由模拟器实现的标准和规范的大脑模型(包括各种神经元,突触,网络和直观的纸张示例)。 此外,我们欢迎您的大脑模型实现,并通过我们的主页发布它们。 这样,一旦实现了新模型,便可以轻松地与其他BrainPy用户共享。 目前,我们提供以下模型: 神经元模型 突触模型 学习规则 / / 安装 使用pip安装BrainModels : > pip install brainmodels 安装BrainModels使用conda : > conda install brainmodels -c brainpy 从源代码安装: > pip install git+https://github.com/PKU-NIP-Lab/BrainModels > # or > git clone https://github.com/PKU-NIP-Lab/Br
进化博弈matlab仿真代码Evolutionary_Game_Simulations 该存储库包含用于Bachelor Research Dissertation的演化游戏仿真的所有主要MATLAB代码。 实施模拟的主要脚本是Spatial_Evolutionary_Game ,这要归功于Mark(2013)。 组合器功能是运行此脚本所必需的。 该代码分为7个主要块: 仿真参数 策略初始化 游戏开始 选拔 重组 突变 影片动画 该模型的简化示意图如下所示。 文件Worlds_of_Varying_Resource_Clustering包含用于环境的网络建模和创建具有可变资源空间聚类的世界的代码。
2021-08-27 11:20:41 233KB 系统开源
The Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnetics With MATLAB Simulations随书代码,共计12个章节和两个附录的所有代码。计算电磁学领域时域有限差分法权威资料,十分有用。
2021-08-21 19:52:46 5.74MB FDTD,MATLAB
2021-08-08 22:34:52 14.17MB MATLAB Simulations Radar